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"Another scone?" Natsuo questioned, handing Dabi a bag with a scone and coffee. "Your brother must be getting a lot of attention lately."

"Mmm, it's curtsy of getting in his dream school." 

Not entirely a lie. Deku's a little shit and since getting into U.A. he's been blowing all of his tasks off and instead assigning them to Dabi. The training he's about to go to is when he'll kick the gremlins ass for doing so, especially for making him spend a day with Bird Brain. The information he got was useful but still, Deku's going to pay. 

"Which school?" Natsuo asked, leaning against the counter. The cafe was relatively empty today. Dabi could count the total number of customers on one hand and still have fingers to spare. He was partially glad to have the chance to converse with Natsuo. For informational reasons only, of course. 


The white haired boys eyes lit up. "Really? Is he going to be a hero?"

"No, analyst," he said, taking a sip out of his coffee. 

"Nice. My brother goes to U.A." Natsu began to wipe down the counter and Dabi's eye's widened for a moment. It's the first time he's willingly brought up his family. This is progress. "He's going to be a hero, one of the best, no doubt about it."

Dabi watched the sad smile on his brothers face as he talked about Shouto. He'd seen that bullshit excuse of a smile many times, had used it himself once a long time ago. Fuyumi used to wear it everyday, that's one of the things Dabi remembers most about her. His mother had put it on to try and pretend to be happy for them. Even back then, when he was still trapped in that household with their broken family, Natsuo had worn it a few times when he'd watched Dabi come back from training, telling him all about the new move he learned. 

That smile isn't a smile. 

He looked away from Natsuo, feeling like he was watching something he isn't supposed to see. He's no longer apart of that family, sometimes he wonders if he ever really was. That smile has no place in his life anymore. 

With eye's fixated on the TV across the room, he pushed away any and all thoughts relating to Todoroki's. The screen displayed an image of the local news, headlines moving by at the bottom of the screen. Behind the reporter talking a green screen showed images of a hero dressed in blues and purples being shoved into a police car. Dabi frowned. He recognized that hero. 

"-making it truly a sad day for many citizens. The hero harmony, though not high in rankings, was a great hero indeed. It's heart breaking to have this information come to light just last night and for yet another hero be put behind bars. Back to you Sasaki," the reporter said calmly. 

Revite. Deku. 

His attention for the news suddenly peaked. 

A new lady appeared on the screen, her blonde hair tied up into a bun. "Thank you Okada. Recently we've noticed that the self proclaimed 'Revite' has been making many changes within our city and others all across Japan. What the public is calling our new vigilante, is proving to be resourceful. For those unfamiliar, Revite's articles out the secrets of all sorts of different heroes who aren't who we thought them to be. The two most recent articles have featured the heroes Alloy and Harmony who are now both facing criminal charges.

"In the last few weeks there have been more changes than just the loss of many heroes licences. Lately over three dozen rally's and protest against the hero systems current ways have been held. People are taking their opinions to the streets, defending Revite and what he tries to prove."

The screen flashed with images of peoples holding signs and raising shaking fist. Dabi's eyes skimmed over the signs reading them and the many phrases. Fight the villains within yourselves! one of them read. Another said, HEROES ARE LIARS. There were so many. Down with the commission Up with justice! Alloy, Shudder, Harmony, Ghost, Turbine,  who else? The one saying Dabi kept seeing was the same one that caught his own attention all those months ago with Revite's first article on Shudder. LICENSED VILLAINS!

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