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Izuku sighed as Dabi slammed the door to his bedroom (or rather bean bag room). He's glad the flat wasn't burned down. He feels bad that he didn't tell Dabi about anything but he truly thought he knew. It's a good thing Dabi took it well (relatively) and things between them are still okay. He doesn't know what he'd do if Dabi up and left now. He cares about him. He's one of the only friends he's ever had. . . and he's useful for the things he's doing as Revite. 

Three surprises in two days. He feels bad for Dabi. The news that he's quirkless and Hawks is a spy on top of him asking about Touya must have been a wild ride for him. He's glad that the villain(?) has started being more comfortable around him that he's okay with the lying (sort of lying). It's even better that he opened up about his past a little. He hopes Dabi understood that it doesn't bother Izuku that he used to be Touya, just as it doesn't bother him that he's quirkless.

It's surprising how many people have taken well to his quirklessness recently considering how everyone in middle school treated it like he had an infectious disease. Maybe Kacchan was wrong. What does that mean about him though? If how he treated him was wrong then-- no. He'll think about that later. 

He looked to Hawks who was still sitting at the table, eyes trained on the door Dabi left through. Izuku watched the way his gaze lingered there for a few moments before seeming to remember Izuku was still in the room and turned to him. Had he not wanted Dabi to leave yet?

Hawks sighed and leaned back on the chair. "I don't think he'll put up with me anymore."


"He'll come around," he reassured him. "I don't think he's as mad as he seems. He'll probably fight you or something and then get over it. I wouldn't worry too much. If it makes you feel any better, I think he's starting to warm up to you." 

"Really?" He perked up and Izuku resisted the urge to chuckle at his behavior. He's more eager for this than he thought. He must have let some of his amusement slip onto his expression because Hawks started to explain himself. "I mean, I just have never been around someone like him. It's eye opening. He sees things so differently, kind of like how you see them, how I want to start seeing things. I was hoping you could show me but clearly you'll be busy and he, well, he seems to do nothing."

"He does nothing all day."

"He should get a job or something."

"The day Dabi gets a job is the day the hero system falls," Izuku joked before he met Hawks eyes. He fiddled with his hands. "Uh, this is  awkward, um-- and tell me if it's too invasive-- but are you okay if I ask you some questions about the commission?"

The hero stared at him for a second, as if processing what he said before nodding. "Yeah, go all out kid. I'll tell you anything but you can't release it all in one of your articles yet. I don't want to be suspected of playing double agent." 

"Don't worry. You're too valuable in the position you're in for me to jeopardize it." He paused, face turning red with embarrassment. "Not that all you're worth is that! I didn't- oh god that probably sounded kinda horrible."

Hawks waved off his apology. "I got what you meant. It's okay."

He sighed. Good. "Right, um. So I was wondering if you could tell me more about what growing up with the commission was like? Dabi told me some of what you said to him but I know there has to be more."

He rubbed at his neck and Izuku worried for a moment that he was going to take back his word and not share. If his suspicions about how they raised Hawks are correct, he can see why he'd feel uncomfortable talking about it. He'd understand if he wants to wait to talk. He's already waiting for Dabi to open up about his past. It's no bother waiting for both of them as long as they talk about things before it eats them from the inside out. 

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