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Dabi's pretty fucking sure someones been following him for the past day. 

It's fine really, no big deal. He'd not worried about it all. Especially not after Alloy leaked his appearance and he's certain all it takes to find him is one simple search on the internet. And a couple people want to kill him because he helped with getting information on Alloy which led to the writing of Revite's article and ultimately the many many law suits against the metal hero. 

Okay, so maybe he's a little worried. But it's fine! Everything is perfectly fine. He's probably just paranoid. Even if there's someone following him it's not like they're some major villain wanted to cut his throat or a hero hoping to catch him... probably. 

As much as he hate's to admit it, there is someone who could help him with this little dilemma. Not that he needs help or that there even is a problem. It's good to know that if there was a problem, which there isn't, then at least he knows just the person to fix it. But that won't happen because there isn't a problem. He paused as he reached the door to his flat. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he felt eye's on him. It's just his imagination.... Nope, fuck it. He's calling Midoriya

Fishing his crap phone out of his pocket, he continued down the sidewalk, not letting whoever it is following him to see where exactly he lived. He wanted to risk a glance over his shoulder to see if there was anyone he'd seen earlier in the day there but he knew that would be too suspicious. All he did was tug the mask on his face up a little higher and hoped his shades covered his eye scars as well as he thought. 

The phone in his hand rang a few times before picking up. "H-hey? This is Mi-"

 "Can it Deku," Dabi cut him off, shoving his free hand in his phone. 

"Uh... Dabi?" 

"Yeah, who else? Look, I need to ask you to do something," he said, turning down a street he rarely ever decided to walk by. "There's some asshole following me and I need you to help get rid of him. Or at least hide me from him."

"Okay, um, I guess I can help," he said, confusion clear in his voice. Dabi could picture the way he likely was frowning. "What do you want me to do? I can't exactly fight him because well... well I'm me."

"You're right. You're a fucking twig." He ignored the slightly offended gasp from the other side of the call. He furrowed his brows as an idea crossed his mind. "That's why I'm going to start training you."

"Train me?"

"Yeah, aren't you the one that suggested it in the first place?" A sigh escaped his lips. "For Revite you've got a shit memory."

"I don't have- no just, I only said that to distract you when you were trying to freaking kill me!"

"Yeah well, now when I do try to kill you can at least put up a fight. That's not the point. Can you shake this person that's tailing me or not?"

There was a few moments of pause. "Sure. I'm going to erase everything there is on you online, redirect it, leave them a false trail of bread crumbs. Don't go home for the rest of the day and try not to contact anyone who could be wanted. I can throw them off if you can manage to escape their sight for a little while. That's not to say they won't find you again, they may have memorized your information. Be glad you don't have a registered residence or you'd maybe have to move."

"Got it." He tugged on his hoodie strings, still paranoid that his face wasn't fully covered. "What's your plan for the day? Any more stalker shit you need me for?"

"I'm not a stalker!" 

He chuckled. "Careful, someone might hear you and then I'll be out of an info source." 

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