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[A/N If you could take the time to tell me if the plot is moving too slowly or not, that'd be awesome. Thanks.]

It seemed like bad days were the only kind of days Dabi had lately. He blames Revite. The child is a bad omen. Ever since he partnered up with him a few days ago, he hasn't been able to do anything remotely productive other than sit alone in the abandoned building he found. Since he missed his weekly raid on the truck that drives by, he's been living off whatever food he can by with pick pocketed change or mange to shoplift. He's getting tired of granola bars.

He was exhausted and done with life, like usual, and really didn't need any other inconveniences. At least he had a place to go home to now, even if the place was dusty and looks to be on the verge of collapsing but still, it's a roof over his head. He'll even put up with the damn cat that seems to also inhabit the space. He wishes it would stop curling up next to him in the night though, he doesn't want a fucking disease.

Grumbling to himself about dumbass cats, he walked down the sidewalk to 'his' flat. He stopped in front of the door, an odd feeling crawling up his spine. Shaking his head, he ignored it. He's just being paranoid. He pushed open the door and stepped in to flat. His hand flailed around for the light before remembering about the buildings lack of electricity. He groaned and lit his hand, letting his fingers be engulfed by blue flame. He was surprised that fucking cat hadn't started clawing at his legs yet like usual. That's when he looked up.

He yelped and jumped back. "What the fuck!"

There in the middle of the room sat the shitty cat, and what's better was it was sitting on a lap. Of a person. A very familiar and annoying person.

"This is a nice place you got here," Deku commented grinning like the trouble maker he is, "though it's a little... bare."

Dabi was not impressed by the joke, not in the slightest. His day was bad enough. All he wanted to do was go home and pretend the stolen ramen packets he'd be eating are soba and then pass out on his heap of blankets he calls a bed, but no. That was too much to ask for. His day had to be interrupted by a muttering green haired boy.

"How do you even know where I live," he deadpanned, scooping a pebble out of his pocket and throwing it at the boy who had the audacity to dodge it. Bitch.

"I stalk heroes and hack data bases for a living. Do you really need to ask that?" Revite asked, petting the cat. Dabi scowled. Of course the two nuisances in his life would get along.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. "What am I going to do with you."

"You," Deku answered, hoping to his feet, the cat still tucked in his arms, "are going to help me stalk Natsuo and Fuyumi Todoroki."

That was little unexpected in Dabi's opinion. He knew if Revite was here it had to be something somewhat important but he thought he was going to get his help on stalking Endeavor, not his siblings. In all honesty, Dabi wanted to throw Deku through the large widow on the outward facing wall all the flat. He didn't sign up for this. He wants to kill Endeavor, not save his children.

"No," was all he said, staring the boy down.

"Yes," he chirped and set down the cat who started to weave in and out of his legs. Deku watched it. "What's her name?"

"Fuck if I know."

He glanced at him in confusion. "It's not your cat?" Dabi snorted and shook his head. "Huh. I'm going to call it Ash. After you, and 'cause she's black."

He wanted to throw him out the window more than ever. He comes into his home (shut up, it's his), tells him what do do and names the cat demon. Dabi sighed and leaned against the wall. "Don't avoid the the topic."

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