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"How the fuck are you here before us?" 

The moment Dabi and Hawks walked through the door of his flat, Dabi nearly gave himself a heart attack out of shock. Sitting on the bean bag like usual, was Izuku in all his childish and annoying glory. Luckily, he'd taken the time to dress himself in his costume with the mask and all. He glared at the kid. He swears his quirk is the ability to be everywhere at once. Izuku always shows up in record time. 

He and Hawks certainly weren't that slow of walkers. Sure, they might have been distracted by talking but there's no way they could have taken that long, even with the small detour of Dabi trying to push Hawks into a puddle from last nights rain. Hawks had poked him with a few of his feathers and threatened to fly him back home when he got his shoes muddy. He'd quickly smartened up, not wanted to feel too motion sick today and instead calmly (if you call bickering calm) conversing with the hero. 

Dabi looked down at his watch. 2:15. He got off from his intern fifteen minutes ago. How on earth did he get here from Endeavors agency in that short of a time? He was sure he'd end up having to wait around the flat with Hawks for a while before Izuku showed. And how on earth did he know to wear his disguise? Did he know Hawks was going to be here? Dabi strolled into the flat and stood in front of Izuku with his arms crossed, staring down at him. 

Izuku was likely smiling under his mask. "Endeavor was patrolling five minutes away from here today."

He frowned. Lucky bastard. 

"Oh, so we're stalking Endeavor now?" Hawks said as he shut the flat door behind him. He sat himself down in the one chair at the table. 

"Yeah, you could say that," Izuku replied. Dabi didn't like how much older the voice changer made him sound. It's even harder to think of him as just a kid. Izuku scooted over on the bean bag so Dabi could plop down beside him as he said, "So, what's up? What's so important?"

Dabi shimmied around on the bean bag, trying to annoy Izuku by man spreading but the stupid gremlin didn't seem to mind. "Ask the bird."

Both of them turned to Hawks. He pressed his hands together in front of him and said, "Okay, I'm only telling you both this because I want you to trust me and not have to find out later on accident. So, please hear me out until the end before you get mad."

"Just spit it out." Dabi rolled his eyes to cover the new queasy feeling in his gut. What could this possibly be about to have Hawks fretting this much? 

Izuku straightened, eye's lighting up. Dabi idly wondered if he knew what was gong on. "Go on Hawks. We won't judge."

"Speak for yourself," Dabi grumbled. 

Hawks seemed less confident than ever, almost like a piece of his infinite mask was torn away. His pressed the pads of his fingers together, flexing the joints in them, as his gaze darted across the floor as if following the patterns from many trails of dust. The feathers on his wings ruffled every few seconds. 

The hero took a deep breath. "I. . . I haven't been honest with you both. When I decided to start, uh, working with with you I said I wanted to help but that was a lie. The truth is, I'm working as a spy for the commission." 


Blinking away the shock, Dabi swore he must have miss heard him. His ears are failing him. Hawks didn't just say he was a spy because that would mean that Hawks had been pulling his leg this whole time. It would mean Dabi was naive enough to fall for his lie even though he's a hero. It'd mean he'd gone soft and weak, allowing people to trick him with a few words. 

If Hawks was telling the truth, that means Dabi had started to befriend someone apart of the commission. The enemy. After today, Dabi was starting to think maybe the hero wouldn't be the worse of company. He was annoying and loud and a total idiot but he had some plus sides. He could be funny, he found out when they walked back to the flat. He had some brains. He even respected the silence that Dabi liked to have. He'd thought maybe if Izuku wanted to keep Hawks around he wouldn't mind as much anymore but now? Now he finds out he's been lying. 

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