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Growing up everyone said Dabi was patient compared to his siblings. Natsuo always dived head first into things, never resting or calming down until something was done. Fuyumi was more mannered than her brothers but when she got excited there was no point in taming her. The two of them never were able to wait long for anything but poor little Touya would always sit still. Waiting always came easy for him that is until he learned waiting got you killed on the streets. Now he feels the need to rip his hair out because a certain brat and his boss haven't shown up yet and the roof he's on is fucking freezing. 

He pulled his jacket tighter as he murmured, "This is bullshit." 

Deku had told him that Endeavor would be patrolling this area that day and yet Dabi hadn't caught a signal sight of the flame hero. Part of him wished he'd just stayed at home and left the green gremlin to do his own stuff. Why on earth did he think a fifteen year old would be a reliable source? For all he knows this is trap to get him caught by the authorities. Then again, why would Deku, aka Revite the wanted vigilante (as the media was now calling him), try to turn him in? Especially when he's apparently a valuable player in his plan. 

Grumbling he pulled out his phone. He better check if something went wrong. Maybe Endeavor took a different route than originally planned. 

I'm not seeing any action Deku.
If u lied to me I will not hesitate to kill u in your sleep.

Annoying Fucker:
You sure have patience
I'm sure a villain fight's about to happen

It's ur neck if there's not.

He meant it... partially. He hates that for once in his life he actually needs someone and can't just dispose of them whenever he wants. Revite, as much as he hates to admit, is the most useful person on the market. Somehow he can require information with the snap of his fingers and he's got a massive platform. Dabi discovered using Revite's name in the market gets people information. He's had too many people come up to him claiming they work alongside the vigilante and were willing to trade information. 'Course, Dabi could call bluff. 

Besides that, Revite is smart and an analyst. If he wants anyone to show him how to take down Endeavor, it'd be him. He's got inside access to Endeavor and it's literally his job to know the mans moves. Dabi had forced him over text the other night to make sure he can keep others away from killing Endeavor before he can. The nerd said something about about hacking the systems later so only he can access information from outside the actual agency building. He's smart, he'll give him that. 

Which is exactly why he has to wait until after Endeavor is defeated to kill him. The worst part is Deku knows this and is fully willing to put up with his empty threats all the while being a little shit. Dabi frowned. As long as he doesn't get attached he can terminate him later. It'll be no problem. 

His gaze flicked to the city's skyline. It was around midday and the sun was nearly blinding. He squinted. With the wind colder than usual up on the rooftop, he was glad his skin was resistant to the cold due to his genetics. It may suck when using his quirk but at least he was never really cold. 

A flash of red caught his eye. He trained his vision on a single feather floating in front of him, swaying from side to side. He narrowed his eyes, watching it slowly drift to a stop on the concrete roof he was sitting on. It was strange to see a feather like that so high up, especially one that colour of red. Reaching his hand out to touch it he felt something tug at his gut, like someone was watching him. The feather suddenly lifted up into the air and zipped passed him. His eyes widened as he heard a chuckle come from next to him. He whipped his head around to spot where the feather had came from. 

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