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Izuku's mother has always been a force to be reckoned with.

Izuku is aware he doesn't use that saying how most people do. He says it with a hint of admiration and a meaning that isn't at all what one would think. She's a force to be reckoned with when it comes to her motherly attributes. Unchallenged in her kindness, and forever caring towards others. To this day, he has yet to meet anyone who worries as much as she does over whether someones smiled or not that day.

When he was younger, she used to drag him to the only park in their neighborhood with bread and apples. He remembers his arms growing tired having to carry it as a muscle-lacking kindergartner. His mother had always commented on the nice weather and fussed over whether he was cold or not, depending on the season. They'd take the long route past the pond where everyone would throw bread to the ducks and sit on benches. They never stopped there, always continuing on to where they could usually find huddles of people in hand-me-down clothes and tired eyes.

He'd asked his mother once why they didn't feed the ducks like all the others; why they always rather leave their bread with people. She'd taken his hand and told him, The ducks have plenty of people looking out for them, you don't have to worry Izuku.

She'd never really answered him but he'd figured it out when he was older.

She's talking to him now, on this train, using that same softened kind tone as she'd used when she'd told him about ducks years ago. He's been listening to her with a grin pulling at his lips for the past five minutes. Sometimes it's hard to hear her when the train goes through a tunnel, often exchanging a few glances of sympathy and exasperation with other passengers whose phones were tucked between their shoulders and ears.

He likes listening to her like this. She seems so happy, so. . . hopeful. He can understand why, he'd be like this too if he hadn't been the one to write the article she was talking about.

Truth be told, he didn't even remember to think of his mothers reaction to his quirkless article before he posted it. He'd been so concerned for how the public would take it, he'd forgotten about all those around him. Luckily, she's taking it well. He thinks she cried, though. He knew she had the moment she called him while he was boarding the train to Endeavors place and it had came to him with a start that he hadn't called her the day before, or before that when the article was released. She'd immediately pestered him to make sure he was okay. He'd been quick to reassure her and tell her, yes, he read the article; yes, he knows what this mean; and no Mom, he won't participate in the rallies just to be safe.

Soon enough, he'd found himself snagging a seat while his mother rambled about all the good things about the article. He was grateful for her words, as a comfort and also as a distraction. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worrying about what he'll face the moment he steps off this train. He hadn't been looking forward to spending a whole train ride sitting in his thoughts and dreading it. Staying with the Todoroki's in Hosu for his internship was both an exciting and daunting opportunity, and not one he'd like to dwell on.

Regardless, he's enjoying this bit of time he gets with his mom. As entertaining and brotherly Dabi is, it's not the same as living with her. He misses cooking with her and coming home to be wrapped in her hugs and the slightly off smell of their places air freshener.

"Someone's finally looking out for you, Izuku," she says to him and he can picture the shine she usually gets in her eyes. She sighs, the noise audible through the phone speaker. "I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I can't wait to see a place where you're treated better."

Izuku feels taken aback by her statement. He hadn't realized she knew that he was treated much differently. He means, of course she knew some of it but there's a weird wobble to her voice that suggest she was aware of things beyond just a few disgruntled looks and occasional teasing.

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