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Toshinori always hated long meetings like the one he's currently in. He felt out of the loop more often than not. Surrounded by all theses teachers who knew what they were doing left him feeling a twinge intimidated. He knows how to be a hero, not a teacher.

When he'd woken up on the couch in the security room without Midoriya, he hadn't thought much of it. Cementos came into the room not long after he woke up and explained the situation to him. The teachers were to discuss plans for a meeting the next day while the students went through their interrogations with the police. His thoughts had immediately traveled to Midoriya and if the boy was all right. He remembers speaking with him before passing out. Cementos informed him the boy was fine when he asked. He too apparently is going through interviews with the police.

The cement hero had guided him to a back room, not letting him take a moment to think about all that had just gone down. He was still shocked that villains had attacked the USJ. He can't imagine what would have happened if Midoriya hadn't warned him about the attack. How many students would have gotten hurt? How many lives might have been lost?

When Toshinori had arrived at the school the next day for the meeting and found Aizawa waiting patiently at the conference table he'd done a double take. The man was dressed in bandages from head to toe, his posture stiff. He'd greeted him but he said nothing in return, Yamada hovering nervously at his side. Toshi tried to push down the nagging worry in his gut. He really does think Aizawa should still be in the hospital. It's not good for him to up and moving so soon. He'd seen the way that Nomu had smashed him into the ground. He's lucky to be alive.

He shivered at the memory. The battle yesterday had been one of his worst. He was weakened and ruined. Realistically, he would never have been able to take on the Nomu. He'd of had to push beyond his limit that was already spent for the day. He'd have been left barely able to stand by the end of it, never mind be capable of facing off the remaining villains. Revite's arrival was truly a blessing in disguise.

"Fellow teachers and heroes," Nedzu interrupted his thoughts. The principal was seated at the front of the room with his arms folded in front of him. He looked around the conference room at the teachers gathered. "I ordered this meeting to go over the concerning events of yesterday. The USJ incident was a surprise to us all and had brought a few breaches to our attention.

"Hound dog and myself are already working to improve security to prevent any more break ins that would expose our plan for the students. Our students safety is our top priority. Sadly, we cannot say how the league of villains or Revite broke into the facility because all of the video footage from yesterday was somehow erased." Nedzu sighed. "I'm sure that's Revite's doing. However, that is not why I gathered you all here today. For those of you who aren't aware, one particular student made an appearance at the USJ even though they were not apart of the hero course. Present Mic, if you could explain."

Toshinori watched the voice hero nod before standing up and clearing his throat. "The students name is Izuku Midoriya. He's one of the students in my homeroom class, 1-C."

"So he's a wannabe hero then," Vlad remarked, rolling his eyes. "When will those kids learn that not everyone can make it. They'll get their chance to prove themselves during the sports festival. There's no need to go risking his life."

As rude as it sounded, Toshinori agreed. It's bad enough that the hero course students had to be put in danger like that but a student who isn't training to withstand those situations was so much worse. What if they got hurt? It's better for them to go along with opportunities they are already getting and wait to try for a hero license when they're older then get involved now and risk injury or worse.

He wished he could help more people understand the dangers of hero work. Everyone nowadays wants to be a hero but they don't understand what that entails. Too many people get hurt. He wants to do more as the symbol of peace but other than a few warnings, he feels his hands tied.

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