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[A/N: Look, I'm not satisfied with this chapter but I also know it's not going to get better so please have some understanding when I say read with patience. I know how icky it sounds okay. I know. Just - bear with me. 
Also, if you're having trouble imagining the formatting - think of the scene cuts like when people are switching between interviews in documentaries. One person talks, then it switches to the next as the story continues. Just like a documentary, that's all I have to say. (a really poorly done documentary). ]

"Welcome to channel seven, this is Ozaki Masahiro. It appears there is urgent news in the country right now as the internet blows up with the newest post from Revite. It appears the vigilante has made his next move after his three weeks of silence since the Endeavor Article. It has been said that the article contributing to the imprisonment of Endeavor was Revite's biggest play yet, but it seems he has taken it a step further and not only challenged the number two hero, but the entire heroics system itself. 

Revite presents his case with anew angle now, taking to footage rather than an article. Ren, the video, please?"

The screen shifts to a blank room. There's a flicker and suddenly there's a figure sitting on a chair in the center of the room. His black hair hangs in his eyes, only the lower, scarred half of his face visible. He lifts his head, blue eyes crinkling at the corners as he sarcastically smiles and waves. 

"Hey," he says. "If you don't recognize me, you haven't been watching the news."

The screen flashes with and clip from Endeavors trial. One of the lawyers in the room stands forward, asking, "And what can you say about your son, Touya?"  Then a new scene jumps forth with a reporter chasing after a girl with white hair and red highlights, mic thrust forward as they demand, "Did you know Dabi was Touya Todoroki?" 

The man in the room leans back as it cuts back to him, crossing his arms as a cat like grin stretched across his face. "Let's talk about how fucked the commission is." 

The screen turned black, green text with the words '#1: Rankings' written across it. 

A second later, it brightened and a  woman with long red hair and mismatched eyes sat where the man had been. "My names Sutorimu Ogawa. I worked for Endeavor as an analyst." 

"My name is Sana Akito. I'm one of Japan's leading support technicians and work for many heroes, primarily Endeavor and Best Jansenist," said a new person who replaced the other woman in her spot. 

A boy appeared in her place as the screen flickered."I'm Shoya Kaseki. I'm a general studies student at Yuuei." 

The first woman reappears on the screen. She sits in silence for a moment, her back ram-rod straight, before she finally speaks. Her voice is level, like she'd rehearsed her words a thousand times. "The Hero Public Safety Commission has set up the hero system in a way they claim to be flawless. In truth, there are a lot of things wrong with it. For starters, the ranking system."

"The ranking system is super finicky," Kaseki says as his image layers over Sutorimu's. "It has a ton of different rules and calculations that are supposed to mesh together. When the rankings come out, all theses computers decide who goes where based off of three main things: Rescues, arrests, and popularity. Guess which one counts the most?" 

"I remember being in school and my teacher telling me how the rankings work, and my jaw just dropping, like 'what do you mean popularity counts for forty-five percent of your rank?'" Akito says, their hands waving around wildly. "There I was, training to be a support technician and my teachers were basically telling me it was more important that what I built looked cool than that it was safe." 

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