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After all, he's always been better at talking with his fists.

The impact of dropping to the ground rattled through Dani's legs. Purposely, he doesn't try to dampen the thud sound landing would normally make. It catches Stain's attention as intended.

The hero killer snaps his head up and for a moment Dabi feels a bone-chilling fear wash over him. Stains eyes are red and full of twelve two many awful feelings. Each emotion picks at Dabi's instincts, triggering a voice in the back of his head that screams run! It takes reminding himself of who he is to not do so.

Truthfully, he's never been this close to Stain before. Unlike most villains, he doesn't leisure himself to social connections. He works alone, taking down hero by hero one at a time. It reminds Dabi a little too much of someone.

Now, in this alley, Dabi's glad he's never had to meet those crazed eyes before. While Stains wardrobe may be the epitome of slashed clothes and odd coloured scarves (or perhaps bandages, it's hard to tell) that only come of as foolish, his menacing grin and gleaming eyes cancel that out.

Only a few seconds of eye contact lasts before Stain breaks, that same grin stretching impossibly wider in a way that makes Dabi feel more sick than a flight with Hawks. He draws back from the boy he leans over, if only by a foot.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the infamous Dabi without his keeper," Stain says, a cruel smile creeping across his face. Dabi wonders if he ever looks like that to people; like a killer.

The boy on the ground tilted his head so Dabi was in his vision and his eyes widened. Pure panic took over his features. "No!" he screamed. "This is my fight! You don't have to get hurt! Please leave! Run! You don't have to get involved!"

"Can it, Hero," Stain snaps at the boy. Dabi tries not to look too taken aback by the name. A hero? Giving him a once over, he decides the boy is much too young. A hero in training, maybe? He supposes he should have guessed based on the outfit the boy was wearing, metal armor and all.

"This is my fight," Dabi argues. He forces the flames in his hands to work their way up his arms and snarls. "This bastard made it my fight the moment he threatened my associate."

A bitter laugh escapes Stain's throat. It's the kind of laugh that sends chills up your spine, gripping the air in your lungs and forcing your instincts to blare alarms. Dabi thinks how Izuku's laugh does the exact opposite and questions how anyone could see this monster as anything similar to Revite.

"Is that what you call Revite? Your associate?" Stain taunts. Dabi sees the exact moment when the young hero realizes just what kind of person Dabi could be; sees the selfish flicker of hope get tamped down with the truth that he works for someone who so far doesn't seem all that interested in helping heroes.

Despite himself, he find the words, "Let the boy go," tumbling out of his lips. Stain barely pays attention to the demand, only continuing on with whatever monologue he's no doubt prepared for every Revite ally.

"You must know all about the offer I gave Revite, Dabi," Stain drawls as he twirls his blades in his hands. "It extends to you if you so wish. As disappointing as it was to be rejected by Revite, I knew he was softer than I was going in. You, however, have. . . looser morals. We can make the world great, Dabi. Think of all the heroes we could destroy. Think of Endeavor."

He doesn't have the care to wonder how he knows about Endeavor. He glares. "Revite has offered me just as much and I don't need to waste my time killing heroes I don't give a crap about with him like I would with you."

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