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[A/N: Another short chapter! I promise it's worth it though because next chapter is 10k. You're welcome.]

 Dabi starts his day off by throwing up in the back alley of some random street in Hosu. Why? Because bitch birds don't understand that some people prefer not to go above two feet off the ground when travelling.

"Jeez," Hawks murmurs from beside him as he rubs his back. "How are you throwing up? You didn't even eat this morning."

Dabi scowls and pushes his hand away, ignoring the burning trail the touch left on his back. "Fuck you, this is dinner." 

He moves away from the alley wall, straightening and wiping the backside of his hand across his mouth. There's a tangy taste on the inside of his cheeks. Wrinkling his nose in disgust, he spits on the ground with little tact. Hawks takes a cautious steps back and makes a girlish squeal. 

"Gross," he protests. Dabi raises and eyebrow as he watches him shiver, feathers ruffling and inhaling sharply. 

Dabi scoffs and turns away, mumbling, "Drama queen."

"Hey! It's bile! Can you blame me for being a little weirded out?"

"Yes. You should be used to this stuff given your line of work." 

Hawks jumps in front of him and crosses his arms. "Hero work deals more with blood than. . . that." 

"You shouldn't have forced me to fly to Hosu then," he counters calmly and marches on past him. He looks around the alley, noting the bland state of it, before tilting his head to the skies. He points. "How about you use those blasted wings of yours to get a good look out on where Endeavor and Izuku are."

Hawks move to stand next to him, looking up as well for a brief moment then back at him. He frowns. "And you'll be doing what exactly?" 

"Sitting on the ground and trying my best not to throw up again." 

That seemed to be enough reason for the bird brain, seeing as he took flight right after. His wings didn't appear to have any trouble maneuvering around the tight space of the alley as he took to the skies and then disappeared from sight. Dabi released a breath of relief as he plopped down on the ground. 


He'd spent the whole morning without a moment of space away from the bird. From the second he woke up till now Hawks had been hovering around him, sometimes literally. The fly here had been the most insufferable part. When he wasn't trying his best not to vomit all over the unassuming streets of pedestrians, he was focusing too much on how he was tucked between Hawks' arms, pulled tight to his chest as they soared over cities. Despite the cold bite of the wind, Dabi's face had remained warm and red the whole fly there. 

He could blame it on the lack of physical affection he's received his entire life but even he knows that's complete bullshit. When Izuku hugs him it doesn't feel the same as Hawks gripping his waist to keep him from falling hundreds of feet in the air. He's not stupid, he knows what is happening. It's just better to pretend it isn't. 

Easier said than done, sadly. Even now, he's still thinking about how Hawks' shoulders tense and pull when he uses his wings. It's ridiculous and quite frankly, beneath him. It doesn't help that Izuku is clearly aware of it given the looks he's sent Dabi's way lately. In Dabi's opinion, Izuku should be focusing more of his time on his efforts as Revite than his little roma-- thing. His issue. That's not there. Fuck. 

Speaking of which, he wondered how Izuku is doing so far. As someone who's experienced staying with the Todoroki's and lived to tell the tale, he can only pray for the kid. He'd hoped for a text the night before; a briefing on what information he'd found, how things were going, something. Of course, his phone still remained empty of notifications besides Hawks' which consist of demands to 'open your door flesh boy!'

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