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The last few minutes they had to find groups, Izuku spent explaining his plan to his teammates. The hardest part was wrangling Hatsume down to only showing off one or two of her 'babies' rather than all of them. He promised her she'd get to show them off in the next round if they make it past this one. Besides that, their group was cooperative, sometimes even pointing out suggestions for his plan. 

When the time was up, Midnight ordered them into places across the stadium. They were told to set up their horses and riders. It was a disorganized mess to get Izuku to rest atop the shoulders of his teammates, Dark Shadow having to catch him from falling a few times, but once he was up everything ran smoothly. It wasn't long before Present Mic was hyping up the crowd for the second challenge to begin. 

Nerves tumbled in his stomach but he forced himself to ignore it. There was nothing to worry about, he had tried telling himself. His plan was solid and would work. Uraraka, Tokoyami and Hatsume are all talented students, he could rely on them. These thoughts went through his head just before they started. 

"Lets get this party started!" Mic-sensei roared. "The final countdown for the game is about to start! Three! Two! One!"

Almost immediately all the teams were racing towards their group. Lovely start. From below him, he heard Tokoyami mutter, "They're not even giving us a chance such as the fate of the pursuit. Make your choice Midoriya-kun."

Right. It's all his call. He nodded and quickly said, "Easy. Lets run away."

Or it would have been easy if the ground hadn't turned to mud beneath their feat, literally. Suddenly they were sinking, the ground having turned to liquid. He gasped as his fellow students legs were swallowed by the muck. What the--

He stared at the muck surrounding them. Dammit. Someones quirk. They can't escape if the ground is swallowing them up, or at least not on foot. He glanced at the nearest group charging towards them, noticing the mud turning solid again with every step their lead 'horse' took. This must be the doing of his quirk. They could try and force him to turn it off but there's no saying whether that will make the ground solidify around their feat, trapping them more, or not.

Making a split second decision he shouted down to his teammates, "You all ready to fly?"

There was chorus of agreement as Hatsume replied, "Fire up my baby, Izu-kun!"

So he did. He griped the control button Hatsume had given him minutes ago and press down on it. It was a second delay before the machine strapped to his back began to work and they were launched in the sky all due to the jet pack. He gut clenched at the sudden feeling of going up as groups below them gasped. He knows it's extravagant but he also knows that it's just Hatsume's way of doing things and if it helps them in the end, then who cares? 

One of the teams was quicker to react, a member of theirs shooting what look like a set of earphone jacks towards them. Dark Shadow whacked them out of the way before anything could happen. He gawked at the sight. Whoa. Tokoyami's quirk is really cool. 

"Get ready to land!" Uraraka shouted as the neared the ground again. He could tell she was using her quirk to make the landing softer when they hit the ground. Once their feat reached the stadium floor again, they took off running, all the other teams still on the other side of the arena. 

"You proud of my babies?" Hatsume yelled up at him.

He nodded. "Yes! They're perfect!"

He means it. They can't run away with the jet pack forever, not with their plan, but it will help them a lot in the beginning. 

Quickly, he looked around and-- shit. Everyone's charging at them again. He can see Kacchan's group barreling towards them, and the skull faced guy's group. Even Shoji. Wait, is Shoji in a group? Where's his team? Whatever, it doesn't matter right now. They just need to get away. He called down to his group, "Uraraka! Activate the rocket boots!"

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