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[A/N: Fun fact from last chapter, 'Boo' was the first thing Dabi ever said to Midoriya.]

It's been twenty-four hours since Dabi last talked to Izuku.

He'd arrived home later than usual yesterday. He didn't want to leave his post watching over the courthouse till he saw his siblings leave around five in the afternoon. When he stumbled through the door of his shared flat with cramped shoulders from being hunched over on that roof for so long, he found the space empty. Immediately, he'd checked Izuku and his room but no one was home.

He gave it time, aware Izuku probably went ahead and investigated the Charlie lead without him. He'd thought he'd come home. An hour passed, then two and still no Izuku. Hawks got home soon enough but he claimed to not have seen Izuku since morning. Dabi phoned Shouto using the number Izuku had given him, but the boy hadn't seen him since lunch either. He called the Endeavor agency with a voice changer, asking if interns were still operating with the temporary shut down. They weren't.

Lastly, he phoned Izuku.

"Hi! It's Izuku Midoriya! I'm busy at the moment, which is kind of a dumb thing to say since this is my voicemail. But, um, leave a message-- uh, or text me-- and I'll get back to you! Bye!"

Dabi had stared at the phone in his hands with horror dawning on him. He tried to rationalize for another hour, pacing back and forth through the flat as he told himself that Izuku was fine. He was probably taking longer with Charlie than expected and had his phone on silent. This is reckless, barge-ahead Izuku, he's fine. When did Dabi get so paranoid?

He sat in front of their door from dusk till dawn (waiting, hoping) and still no sign of Izuku.

Evens hours after sunrise, Hawks tried to move him. He was worried too-- he could see it in how his feathers ruffled and his feet never remained still. He could see it clearer when he stood in front of him, eyebrows pinched together and lips slanting downwards. Hawks placed his hands on his shoulder, softly telling him he can't stay at the door forever. Dabi had shoved him away, snapping at him to fuck off.

It'd got him to leave the door though; straight out it and into the street, frustration spilling from him in cold waves. Even with his face covered, pedestrians curved around him, keeping far away from the negative orbit around him.

He phoned Izuku again.

Several rings later and he was staring down at Izuku and his chat history. He glared at the last message he sent: Charlie's address.

Next thing he knew, he was at the Tavern with his fists already barreling toward Katou's face. The bar was empty, a dozen moving boxes replacing the people that usually crowd it. Katou knew this when Dabi's scarred hand collided with his jaw as he yelped a quick and pointless help!

Dabi slammed him into the nearest wall, holding him there by the scruff of his neck. He yelled, "Where is he? Who has him?"

Katou shook under his hold, eyes wide. He stuttered out, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Revite! Where is he?" He snarled and slammed him into the wall again for good measure. He could feel heat licking at the insides of his palms, threatening to break out into the air as fresh flames. "He went to that stupid address and never came back! You tricked us, bastard!"

"I swear I didn't know!" Katou cried. He curled in on himself as much as he could in Dabi's lock hold.


"I didn't! Charlie came here himself and told me to send Revite to him! I promise!"

Dabi faltered. His hands hurt where they coiled around Katou's clothes. He could feel his nails digging into his palms through the fabric, carving crescent moons into his skin. Desperately he wants to shake Katou again. He wants to hit and kick and scream and burn just as he always has because Izuku is missing. 

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