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By the time Izuku comes home from school, Dabi is a bundle of restless energy. Normally, he's lacking a significant amount of energy and general will to do anything. However, today is different solely based on the fact he feels useless beyond imaginable.

When he woke up in the morning, Izuku was already out the door on his way to school leaving him alone to deal with Hawks. The ex-hero was passed out on the couch, his wings curled around him like a blanket. Dabi had hesitated in waking him up. Cautiously, he'd brought himself to sit next to him, watching the rise and fall of his chest and frowning at the swelling around his eye which continued to turn a deep purple.

Dabi didn't dare to ask how he got the bruises and cuts when Hawks awoke. He knows all too well what questions like those can prompt-- how it's best to avoid them. Instead, when the birdy returned to the land of the living, he offered him a water and asked him if he felt up to anything. There'd been a shake of the head in answer to the latter. Dabi left it at that.

The things is, that's how most of his day went. Sitting next to Hawks on the cheap couch they finally purchased, listening to the noises of cars passing by outside and vendors opening up for the day, occasionally leaning to close to one another.

They didn't talk about the commission and they didn't ask what they'd do next. They only sat, silence enclosing them.

And Dabi felt useless.

He could see the way Hawks expression rested heavier than usual. Could see the mask he put up like always; how it cracked in the small downturn of his lips and blank stare in his golden eyes. He hurt so obviously in a way Dabi couldn't understand nor even begin to comfort.

It seemed foolish to him that Hawks would hurt over this. He's free now, is he not? His confusion over his pain is why he can't help. A train cannot go anywhere without tracks just as he cannot aid Hawks without knowing what's to aid in the first place.

So he sits. And he waits. And he sits some more, until Izuku comes home from his classes.

Dabi bounds to his feet when he hears the door open. Next to him, Hawks' feathers almost appear sharper as they ruffle, standing on guard with the straightness of a pin. Dabi eases as he recognizes the green curls on the intruder. Hawks remains stiff, even if his wings lower back to his sides. There's an almost doe-eyed look to him then-- frightened-- but Dabi ignores it in favour of Izuku.

The boy in question barely lifts his head to look at them as he strides into the room, throwing his bag onto the table. There's a crease between his brows as they pinch together, lips pursed like always when he's thinking. His distraction is clear as he pulls his books out of his bag more on what seems to be auto-pilot than anything.

Dabi approaches him, resting a hand on his shoulder. The boy startles with a jump. He swivels his head to face him, alarmed for only a second before his eyes meets his and soften. He pulls a lopsided smile.

"Hey, Dabi."

"Hey yourself, kid," he says, bumping his shoulder. He gestures with his hand to his face. "What's with the thinking look?"

He shrugs. "Some stuff happened at school. It's no big deal."

"Define 'no big deal'."

Shooting a pointed look his way, Izuku sighs exasperatedly. "Trust me. It's really not a big deal this time."

He continues to unpack his bag as Dabi eyes him suspiciously. It's not that he doesn't trust the kid, but his past record shows his idea of what is normal and what isn't doesn't align with most peoples. He has poor judgement is all.

Having finished sorting his things, Izuku walks over to where Hawks has been watching them from the couch. Despite his stiffness, Hawks doesn't stop Izuku from sitting next to him, head tilted and hands loosely clasped in front of him.

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