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Dabi doesn't really know why he's here, outside the place he'd sworn he wouldn't return to. It wasn't like he was convinced his sources were right but then again, he wasn't certain they were wrong either. It was perfectly plausible someone had been snooping around the manor secretly. Someone other than him, of course.

Part of him wanted to believe it was Natsuo who was the hooded person going in and out of the house through the window. He was always the one who was most willing to do bizarre shit with him when they were younger.

Another part of him knew that wasn't the case. Natsu would be old enough now to live at his college dorms if he ever wanted to get away from home. The idea of him sneaking out didn't seem as likely as the other reasons for the recent break ins.

Okay, and maybe he did know why he was here. Sue him! So what if he felt like he's the only one who gets to hurt any of the Todoroki's. He deserves to be the one to take down Endeavor after what he did to him. Some jerk who shows up last minute, sneaking into their home certainly doesn't get that honor. Besides, if this is the famous Revite as he suspects, he wants to meet him. To kill him or to simply warn him to back off from his target. Dabi hadn't decided yet.

Over the past few months he'd been looking out for their articles. It wasn't like he had to search very hard for them. The media couldn't shut up about Revite. His first article had blown up, everyone was talking about it. Debates were sparked bringing in discussions of whether or not Revite was right or wrong in his accusations. Many agreed with him, claiming the hero system was corrupt and broken filled with lies patched over by the commission. Just as many wanted Revite's accusations erased, calling him the real liar.

Revite seemed unmoved by his fame. Then again, he does live behind a computer screen as far as anyone knows.

More recently there'd been rumors of Revite taking to the streets, finding knew ways to obtain information other than just hacking dozens of online platforms. Dabi was almost certain Revite was the one sneaking into his old 'home'. He of all people knew what a false hero Endeavor was, the perfect target for someone like Revite.

Most people would be glad to see there former abuser be targeted by an online user dedicated to outing the corruption of others. Dabi isn't most people. He wants to see the look in his fathers eyes when he kills him. He wants him to die in his fire as he'd tried so many times to do to him, thought he'd done to him. If Revite wanted to get in his way of that, by all means; he just can't guarantee the writer will live.

He respects Revite. He values what he's doing and couldn't agree more with his ideals. Heroes are selfish and fake. They only look out for themselves. It's all about the fame and fortune for them, they've lost the true meaning of their titles.

Dabi doesn't want to kill Revite, but he will if it comes to that.

The sound of a twig snapping in the distance caught his attention. He pulled his left hand out of his pocket, ready to torch whatever made the noise. All that came out of the bush was a squirrel. The nasty thing stared at him with it's beady eyes.

"Piss off," he mumbled to it, glaring. It squealed and darted back into the shrubbery. Dabi rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the Todoroki manor, his hand scratching idly at where his skin met the charred flesh he stapled on.

He wasn't a hundred percent sure Revite would even show up. It was three days ago when he'd received the information from one of his many 'friends' in the shady parts of town that they'd seen someone going in and out of the house. Since then there hadn't been any articles so Revite must not have found what he'd been looking for and surely would return. Dabi just didn't know when.

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