Sports Festival

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The following week sped by faster than Izuku expected. He was nearly collapsing with exhaustion by the end of it as he prepared himself for the sports festival. 

It was the day after his encounter with Stain that he told his mother he planned on moving out. He'd made up a lie like he told Dabi he would. Inko was surprisingly easy to convince that he was going away for his intern. Something about them needing him more on site and having a room for him. He's even more surprised she didn't question why he hadn't given her any forms to sign or supervisors to talk to. He's glad she didn't, otherwise he would have had to pleaded to Akito and Sutorimu more than he ever wants to so they'd cover for him. 

On that same day, he spent hours finding every piece of information about him online and erasing it. All his social media was wiped from the internet, every photo he's in, every record from his school. All of it. He even managed to keep people from knowing he was at the USJ incident, seeing as that seems to be a recurring nightmare when it comes to hiding his identity. He didn't erase everything though. He kept enough to avoid suspicion. His name, his birth certificate, his family (though he did make sure to erase anything that would lead to people finding his mom). 

It only took him two days to pack everything he would need and move out of his home. There hadn't been much he'd wanted to take, just his notebooks, clothes, and technology. He'd thought about bringing along his All Might merch but thought against it when he realized he'd be living with Dabi. He ended up sneaking his favorite All Might figurine into his bag though.  

When he finally did leave, it had been a day full of tears. His mom had hugged him and told him how she'd miss having him around the house and he was always welcome to visit. He'd promised to call her everyday. When she'd pulled away from the hug she'd stared at him with watery eyes. She'd cupped his face and told him how proud she was of him. It had triggered his own waterworks. 

It hurt to realize he wouldn't be eating dinner with her everyday anymore or waking up to hear her soft humming in the living room (even if it was almost always off key). The sad truth was that no matter how much it hurt, it was for the best. It was getting too hard to keep being Revite a secret from her. He didn't know how much longer he'd be able to look at her everyday and lie to her face. Besides that, it was getting too dangerous. If he can't protect himself from people like Stain, how is he supposed to protect her? Things were safer with him living with Dabi. Plus, his mom seemed over joyed at the lie that he was doing this all for his internship. She'd be heart broken if he told her the real reason. 

Speaking of his internship, the past week Sutorimu had been going easy on him. He's almost certain it has something to do with the sports festival coming up. On patrols, she lets him ramble about anything he wants. Really, anything. He'd tell her about the other heroes they passed by, what he thinks different civilians quirks are, how cool class 1-A and 1-B were to watch train for the sports festival the one time Mic-sensei let them watch for five minutes. She'd listen to it all, occasionally adding in her own opinion. It was nice, something simple to add into his routine. 

He found Sutorimu opening up too. Sometimes they'd be trailing behind Endeavor on patrols or in the computer room watching the drones, and she'd let her thoughts be shared. She told him stories from when she went to U.A., how she'd striven for the top, and filled him in on all the heroes she'd worked with. Rarely, she'd get personal, letting slip that her favorite colour was blue or that she liked to sit in Akito's lab when she was bored. 

The best parts of interning were when he got to lead on patrols. Sutorimu would hand him the ear piece and he'd get to guide Endeavor through plans as he fought villains. He may hate the hero, but it sure was fun to analyze his fights. And he can't forget when Sutorimu takes him down to Akito's lab to give them recommendations on new support gear. Akito always was willing to rant to him about ideas. They bounced back in forth from idea to idea. She'd been enamored with the gear Hatsume was making for Shinsou and himself. They'd given a million tips and promised to watch the sports festival to see how it all turned out. 

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