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Izuku has came to conclude three things since waking up this morning. 

The first thing he decided was that Hawks is a double agent. He's not sure that counts as something he came to concluded today since he's had his suspicions since Dabi first mentioned him. The other night their meet was what confirmed it. It's almost too obvious that Izuku had to second guess himself but sure enough, a little more digging and he knew the number three hero was two timing him. He doesn't mind, not really. It actually works perfectly into his plan. 

Currently, Hawks can't know much. If he knows too much then the commission knows too much. However, there's no way Hawks can't give them information too, spy or not. If Izuku can get even an ounce of information being played by him will be worth it. 

That's not the only reason though. Hawks was able to come up with a good motive and Izuku's long since learned that to lie about your intentions, you have to believe those intentions are justifiable, even if they go against your beliefs. If he was able to defend his reason for joining their cause by claiming a fault to the hero system and claiming that by being apart of it he was able to see more wrongs then it can't entirely be a lie. In the short time he's spent around Hawks he's learned that the man is not one to promote villainous acts, much less participate in them. Thus meaning if he really knew what the commission was up to, saw past the lies Izuku's sure he's been fed his whole life, then the chances are higher that he'd support his cause. 

So yeah. As of now, Hawks gets limited information but he is still trustworthy. Dabi would whack him on the head if he said that out loud. His burnt acquaintance and many others would call his logic insane. They're all just too small minded to actually see the advantage his way of thinking gave. Hawks is trustworthy, that's why the commission picked him. They trust him to do what they ask and execute their plan to the best of his ability without slips ups. They also trust him not to help the other side. 

That's where they fucked up, as Dabi would put it. 

Revite always has a plan and this time it's a plan that will play out in the long run. Every subtle action matters and Hawks happens to be the key player. The commission thinks they're five steps ahead when in reality they're a staircase behind. 

The second thing he concluded is that Dabi is more complex than he originally thought. 

Don't get him wrong, he knew that he had to have some sort of tragic backstory with all the scars he has and his current living situation, he just didn't expect it to ever come up. The other night he'd clearly done something to cause Dabi's emotions to resurface. He's not an idiot, he knows that the villain had a reason for leaving so fast and it wasn't because he had somewhere to be. He'd seen the look in his eyes right before he left. That isn't a look that someone at peace has. No one at peace has that much anger and grief.

If he could chalk that look up to annoyance with Hawks, he would. Sadly, he can't. As much as Dabi may not be happy about it, Izuku considers him a friend. It's stupid, he knows. Everyone always gets told don't talk to strangers and he went right ahead and befriended a villain who threatens to kill him every few minutes. Kacchan's right, he is too soft for his own good. One day it might get him killed but that's a problem for future Izuku. 

Point is, as Dabi's friend he cares for him. After seeing the panic on his face the other night, Izuku is worried. He's not answering the texts he sent when he got home to make sure he's okay and Izuku doesn't know whether he's being an asshole and purposefully not answering or if he did something stupid that'll keep him from getting the chance to respond. Izuku prays it's the former. 

The other night he discovered Dabi is complicated in ways he didn't know. He has a past and clearly it's tied to the Todoroki's if his reaction to him speaking about Shouto and his hate for Endeavor are anything to go by. He knows he shouldn't pry but this is Dabi and he knows if he doesn't look after him no one will. Plus, it'll help to know his partner in crime better so when he does eventually try to kill him he has more blackmail to keep him from doing so. 

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