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Dabi wishes he could say he hates the little trips he makes every morning to the cafe. It would be better if the truth was he dreaded seeing his brother every single day. But of course, the fates and apparently his own mind hates him and he's finding it harder and harder to say he despises going there. It's... he doesn't know what it is he just knows it's not a negative feeling. 

He's never been good with emotions. Feeling aren't exactly something the high and mighty Endeavor thinks to be important when it comes to hero work. Maybe he was right, Dabi doesn't know. He's not a hero. Point is, no one taught him to know what he's feeling and he most definitely is paying for it now. 

As he walks into the cafe and hear the bell that's became familiar, he's uneasy about the weird pull in his chest. It's not exciting but it's not worrisome, it's simply there reminding him over and over again like a broken record just who exactly the white haired boy behind the counter used to be to him. If he'd known nostalgia he might have said that was what he was feeling but there was no reason for him to be nostalgic for a past life he hated; one that to this day leaves him scarred both mentally and physically. If anything he should feel happy that he doesn't live that life anymore.

Yet, as he approaches the counter where Natsuo waits, he can't help but wonder what it would be like if they were kids again and these few minutes of conversation between orders wasn't all the time they had together. He'd dismissed the thought quickly. It's fine the way things are. He doesn't wish for that family back. But he still asks himself deep down how Natsuo is. What happened to his little brother these past years? What's his life like outside these cafe walls? 

"Morning again," Natsuo says as Dabi reaches the counter to order. He wore the same smile every morning and every morning Dabi failed to decipher whether it was genuine or not. "The same order as usual?"

He shook his head, placing a some cash on the counter. "No. Add a scone."

Natsuo raised his eyebrows in question. "Skip breakfast or something?" 

"Yes but that's no different from normal," he found himself answering honestly. Dabi spoke again before Natsuo could ask the question he knew was coming. "It's for De- uh, for my brother. The one from before."

It isn't entirely a lie but at the same time it's not true. Deku may not be his brother but the scone is for him. Tonight they both have to go to that stupid meeting with Hawks. Dabi doesn't know why he's being dragged along. Deku can handle Hawks by himself. Brat should be thankful he agreed to come. If the brat complains even once about being hungry or some shit he will snap his neck, hence the scone. Besides, it's Deku's money buying these orders anyways. 

"That makes much more sense," Natsuo said, typing his order into the machine. He handed him back his change. "You don't seem like the scone type. Your brother seems like a cake pop kid though." 

 That took him aback. "A what?"

A light laugh left his brothers lungs. "A cake pop kid! Everyone who comes in here is a certain type of person and the staff likes to pair them with orders. Your brother is a cake pop kid because he's energetic and well, a little brother which makes him the kind of person to ask for a cake pop, either by nagging the person they're with or buying their own. He seems like someone who'd appear to always be running on sugar." 

He got that much from the five seconds they talked to each other, like, a week ago? 

"What kind of person am I?" He asked, taking his filled cup of coffee and scone from him. 

"Well..." Natsuo scratched at his chin and eyed him up and down. "Me and some of the other staff think you're a no cream no sugar kind of guy."

Crossing his arms he narrowed his eye's at Natsuo, not that he could see that with his sunglasses and mask on. "So black coffee?"

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