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[A/N: This isn't edited but if you follow me you're probably used to reading my unedited shit so... just be warned for spelling errors]

Dabi was pissed. No, he was seething with rage. Which isn't untypical. This was different than every other time though, this time he couldn't just burn his problem till it left him alone. He'd already scared off this problem (he thinks) yet his thoughts still kept circling back to it.


The boy wasn't what he was expecting. He thought he was some older dude with at least some muscle not some helpless twig that looked ready to piss his pants when Dabi scared him. Was that child really the person changing the world? It did explain the sloppy writing but still, how could a kid be the one to see what's going on, the one to point out all these heroes flaws.

Dabi's thoughts reminded him he was just a kid when he'd learned about the true horrors in the world. What made Revite any different?

Dabi hated that those thoughts kept replaying in his head through out the past few days. Today had been particularly bad. The dealers of information in the grey areas of town were being stubborn as shit and refused to give him any information, he'd missed the truck he usually raids for food and his mind had almost always been on Revite. It'd caused him to embarrassingly run into several walls. Revite was slowly consuming his life and he hated every minute of it. The only way he was tolerating the little shit was because he hadn't seen him around any of the Todoroki's as of late. That was the final string keeping him from killing him, and it just snapped.

Revite claimed to only be spying on Endeavor to save the Todoroki's so why on earth did he see him on the television next to the number two hero?

He'd been minding his own business when he saw out of the corner of his eye a broadcast about Endeavor on one of his favorite bars TV's. Of course he watched it. He pays attention when people talk about his father, after all, that was how he was raised and you can't exactly erase years of training like that.

In all honesty, at first he didn't think much of the green haired intern who could be seen through the camera approaching Endeavor with a disproportionate woman next to him. He'd disregarded him, knowing he would soon realize just who he was working for. That was until the camera zoomed in on him and his features came into to detail.

It was him. Revite. He had seen those wide nonthreatening looking green eyes before and that dark tastled hair. Sure, he hadn't seen those freckles on his face a few nights before due to the dark but Dabi was nearly certain it was the same boy he'd seen at the Todoroki household.

He raged... and got kicked out of the bar.

It didn't make sense. He tried to come up with an explanation for why Revite would help Endeavor as he walked home. Was he really just as hypocritical as the so called heroes he writes about? Or was he even really Revite at all?

His fists clenched at his sides. It didn't matter. He was going to die anyway. That bastard had not only ignored his threat to stay away from the Todoroki's but also decided to aid his enemy. If there was one thing you didn't do, it was piss off Dabi and he'd done just that. If only he had a way to find the little bitch then he'd kill him.

As he neared the abandoned flat he'd started to make his own, he paused. Maybe he could find him. A notebook flashed in the back of his mind, a notebook likely with a name on it. He shoved his hand into the side bag hanging off his shoulders and pulled out the notebook in question, eyes skimming over the front page.

Izuku Midoriya.


It isn't his fault the kids house was so easy to find. Really, he shouldn't have written his name on the notebook like that and made his address open to the entire population with a simple search on the internet. What Dabi can say is his fault, is the fact he showed up at said boys house and was currently waiting for him to get home.

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