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Smelly Flesh Man:

I hate you

Three days. Three whole days he went without a peep from Dabi and then this. Izuku is going to slam his head into a wall. He's in class and while he's sitting there bored out of his mind, he gets a text from the person who has been the cause for his lack of sleep. 

Who can blame him for worrying about Dabi? The last time he saw him he'd run off looking more pissed than Izuku has ever seen him and he wasn't answering any of his texts, not even the ones telling him what to do with Hawks yesterday. So here he is, on his second day of school hiding a phone under his desk as he tries to subtly reply to Dabi. 

What did I do?

Smelly Flesh Man:
You forced me to spend a day with a hero

Take it as punishment for not REPLYING TO MY TEXTS AND MAKING ME WORRY

Smelly Flesh Man:
You little-

You just cut yourself off on text
That's a little sad

Smelly Flesh Man:
Want to die?

Not really, no
You have any info on Rei Todoroki and Harmony?

Smelly Flesh Man:
I'll show you later

Oh so now you're not avoiding me?

Smelly Flesh Man:
Never was


Smelly Flesh Man:
Not cap

Ya you have
Since we visited Mr. Hero

Smelly Flesh Man:
He's annoying af

You'll warm up to him

Smelly Flesh Man:
Never in a thousand years
I'll die before then
I'll kill him first

Okie dokie 

Smelly Flesh Man:
Fuck you
Come by my place after school
I'm going to kick your ass in training
[Middle finger emoji]

Love ya too

Smelly Flesh Man:

Izuku happily pocketed his phone, ignoring the vibrations coming from it as he regained focus in Mics class. Next to him, he caught Shinsou side eyeing him. He tried offering a smile to his classmate and all he got in return was a blank look. 

So far in the past day of going to U.A. he has failed to befriend his desk partner (not a top priority but he'd like to have at least one friend at this school, Dabi says he needs friends who aren't adults) and has managed to completely miss Shouto. None of the hero course students attended the ceremony nor lunch yesterday. It makes him wonder what exactly they do in that course. 

He looked back to the board where Mic was standing. The voice hero spread his arms wide and grinned at the class. "Morning listeners! Today we have something extra fun planned for you all!"

Izuku sat up straight in his chair. Extra fun? He tries to wrack his brain for anything the school might do with a bunch of general studies kids. All he could think of was arts and crafts which honestly, he wasn't really feeling. 

"As most of you know, the hero course receives special training. Today they're enacting a heroes versus villains simulation." He felt a small pang of jealousy shoot through him as Mic said that. He quickly stuffed it down. He's lucky to just be here in the gen ed course. "Lucky for you guys, general studies has its own form of special training! Each class is designated for a different profession. Class 1-D specializes in business and management! Class 1-E works with computer tech! Class 1-C, which is you, is for analysts!"

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