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Somehow, no matter how eventful his night is, he always ends up back here: in 1-C. If someone had told the Izuku of a year ago that he'd spend half his days in a classroom at Yuuei, he would have hit the roof jumping in joy. Now, it feels more like a burden to show up to class. It's not that Yuuei isn't lovely or the lessons are boring. No, Yuuei is wonderful, just not as wonderful as being Revite.

Revite gets to wear a disguise and walk around with Dabi and Hawks, investigating and piecing together plots. Izuku Midoriya sits in a desk and listens to Present Mic drone on about formulas. Revite spends time in action-- whether that's at his intern or spending an evening with Dabi. On good days, 1-C gets to observe the other hero classes and do analysis reports.

Today is supposed to be a good day. They're watching 1-A run through their first training simulation since their internships. It should be fun getting to pick apart each persons new skills, trying to find what they learned from their internship - how they could build on those skills.

Unfortunately for Izuku, his mind is elsewhere; still wandering through ideas for how to write his article on Endeavor. Every time he closes his eyes, he's back in the Todoroki household with a drawing board in front of him. When he see's the 1-A boy with a birds beak, he thinks of Hawks and the commissions lies still coming to light.

School pales in comparison to the thrill of being Revite.

It doesn't help that there's still so much to do. Questions still left to answer. He needs to find out what Stain was talking about when he referenced the commission's pets. He needs to get the police off Hawks' back. He needs to find something that will bring the commission to their knees. He needs to do so many things. His uniform feels heavy on his shoulders.

"You're not muttering much today," Shinsou regards, popping the pink gum bubble he'd blown. Izuku glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, raising an eyebrow as the by continued. "Come on, don't look at me like that. I need analyst advice. Tell me what they improved on and how I can catch up."

Izuku lifted his pencil to the clipboard in his arms, crossing out the title of 1-A Intern Improvements and writing Hitoshi Shinsou's Personal Guide. Peering at the clip board from beside him, Shinsou huffed and sent him a glare. Izuku forced a sarcastic grin as Shinsou grumbled, "That's not what I meant."

Sighing, Izuku returned his attention to the course 1-A was doing. "I know. I'm just distracted today."

"And grumpy, apparently." He jerked his head towards the hero class. "Is this about your super special intern trip getting cut short?"

The use of a question didn't go unnoticed.

Shaking his head, he said, "No. Just some home stuff, don't worry about it."

Really, it was just home stuff. He was eager to get to his home with Dabi (and the addition of their new free loading bird-man); to get the Todoroki's out of their home. Even if going home meant just sleeping, he'd be happy. He'd stayed up too late last night on the phone with his mom after planning with the Todoroki's. It was nice in the moment to ramble on about his days at school and his intern while his mother told him about the fresh flowers growing in her pots. Come the next day, it didn't feel quite so nice on his energy levels.

There was a moment of silence between Shinsou and himself. The former reached across his clipboard, using the pencil to scribble something in the corner. He drew back, crossing his arms and staring out at the training course.

"Yeah well, I know a little bit about that. If anythings--" he waved his hand around in a vague gesture-- "like that again - whatever that is - you have my number. Even when I'm not your aspiring hero guinea pig anymore."

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