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In the living room of the Todoroki household papers are spread across the coffee table, covering the entirety of the surface. A dozen pens lay scattered on top of them, ink trails etched onto a select few of the papers, highlighting and underlining certain points. 

Izuku sits on the couch, elbows resting on his knees as he leans over the table, gesturing to the papers. His eyes skim over each document, sorting the pieces of evidence. Next to him, Dabi glares at the ground, still complaining about being squished between the teen and Hawks. Hawks quips back that at least he doesn't have wings that could are being condensed by the couches back cushions. They've been bickering for the past ten minutes while the Todoroki family littered across the two adjacent pieces of furniture watch. 

Six really is a crowd, especially for this task. 

Izuku has been trying to explain and show the Todoroki's what evidence they have against their father so far. Dabi and Hawks are no help. As the first dozen minutes tick by, he feels his patience ebb away slowly. He's clearly not the only one getting tired. Every time he glances at Fuyumi he can make out a half grimace dawning her features. Natsuo seems relatively unbothered, arms crossed as he maintains his laser focus on what Izuku is telling them. And Shouto -- Shouto looks half asleep from where he's sprawled lazily across the arm chair. 

"And finally," Izuku says, looking up from the papers, "we have the evidence from the Stain fight. We don't really need to exploit that. The video proof released is already making people angry about his lack of help in taking down Stain. It should be enough." 

Natsuo blinked at him, brows pinching together. "So let me get this straight. You put audio recorders in our house, stalked us at our jobs, and have been specifically targeting Endeavor this whole time?" 

Izuku winced, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Well when you put it like that. . . " 

Dabi scoffed and jabbed Izuku's side with his elbow. "Told ya you were a stalker." 

"Shush," he said, batting away Dabi's arm. He faced the Todoroki's again. "Look, all this evidence is almost enough enough to destroy his image of a hero. Because he's a number two hero, it might not be enough to take away his license though." 

"So you need more information?" Fuyumi inquired. 

"I've got that handled. I have an inside source who's willing to give me support," he answer, waving aside Fuyumi's comment. He thinks about how he needs to call said source tonight. He thinks he should bring them to meet the Todoroki's with him soon. "What I need from you is proof for his personal life. I don't just want to have his license taken away or send him away for a few years. I want to make sure it all works out for you three too which is more likely if we can prove he's not a proper parent and get you out of his custody." 

"Natsuo and I are already out of his custody," Fuyumi notes aloud. 

"But I'm not," Shouto interjects. Izuku's surprised he's not asleep with how his head is rolled back on the head rest of his chair, legs crossed limply. 

"Exactly." Izuku pulls a brown file out from his bag, tossing it's contents across the table. He points to one set of stapled papers titled: Child Custody for Heroes. "There's a section in there that states a hero whose license is revoked will not be forced to give up custody. It also goes over how heroes who have sole custody over their children will be permitted a shortened prison time or none at all if a sentence of so would otherwise be handed out. Because your mothers custody over you all was withdrawn when she was moved to her mental institute, this applies to Endeavor." 

He lets that sink in for a moment, observing how both Natsuo and Fuyumi's faces morph into ones of understanding. Shouto's remains blank, unwavered by the new information. The boy instead opens his his eyes, staring at the stack of paper on the table. He squints and says, "That's a waste of paper." 

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