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It's early morning when Shouto receives the call from Dabi. He answers without hesitation and when he hears his brother's request, he obliges right away. He meets him outside Yuuei, waiting patiently at the front doors. It's bright out; the skies clear and the sun warming everything it's light touches. Good weather doesn't stop the sinking feeling in his gut.

Dabi finds him not two minutes into waiting. He strides towards him nearly unrecognizable. He hides behind a mask and sunglasses, scars disappearing under layers of cloth. His shoulders are slumped as he brushes past Shouto with a quick murmur of, "Lead the way."

It's hard not slip up when he says, "As you wish, Dabi."

Sometimes he thinks to call his brother Touya. He wonders how his name would sound out loud when spoken by him. He doesn't dare say it though. He's not like Fuyumi and Natsuo, he never knew Touya the way they did. If he has any memories of him at all, they're hazy and those of a four year old who didn't understand anything. He only knows Dabi but yet he wonders. Would he like Touya? Does he like Dabi more, if at all?

He guides Dabi through the halls of Yuuei, ignoring the stares they receive. There's not many people in the building at this time, only students like Iida who prefer to arrive an hour before classes or have taken up extracurricular activities. Still, the stray students lingering in the halls, whispering and following the two of them with their eyes.

It pointless to question what they're saying when he already knows. Aizawa may have taken away his social media, but he's lived in the spotlight long enough to know the rumors circulating about his family. He's also lived as he has long enough to not care. Kaminari says he's oblivious to social cues, Shouto says he simply doesn't want to know them.

They make it to their destination with little talk. Part of Shouto longs for the conversation he's avoiding: the reason why Dabi called both yesterday and now today. Deep down he knows why. The thought causes his lips to purse and heart to stumble.

"This it?" Dabi asks, jutting his head in the direction of the door they stand outside of.

Shouto nods. "This is it."

Reaching forward, he raps his knuckles on the door. Surprisingly, no one responds from inside but instead from behind them.

"I am here," a voice booms. Shouto turns around slowly to face his teacher, All Might, standing behind them in all his muscular glory. The symbol of peace always holds himself in such a grand manner that Shouto can't help but notice. It's amazing they didn't realize he was behind them before. "How can I help you, Young Todoroki?"

He resists frowning at his name. He prefers it much more when people call him Shouto.

Shouto doesn't know what's running through Dabi's mind as he steps towards All Might; he can't hear what he's thinking. What he does know is the that the worry rolling off him in defeated waves is the same Shouto feels in his gut. His brother and him aren't so different.

"He's here because of me," Dabi states. "I need to talk to you about Revite."

All Might visibly stiffens. It's not too often Shouto sees his teacher seem so caught off guard. He clears his throat. "I think this is a conversation we should have inside."

All Might welcomes the two of them into his office, offering them seats on the couch stationed in the middle of the room. He sits himself in the chair adjacent to them and sighs. He glances between Shouto and Dabi before speaking.

"What happened?"

Shouto wishes he could respond. He thinks he knows but he doesn't know for certain. In his pocket, his phone contains a dozen unanswered messages to someone he hasn't seen in a day and a half.

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