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To say Izuku was frightened would be an understatement. As he paced down the hallway to class 1-C, nerves pooled in his gut and his palms sweat so much he was thankful he didn't have Kacchan's quirk for once in his life time. His mother had taken one look at him that morning and had commented on how distressed he looked. He'd tried to reassure both her and himself that he was fine but it was a lie. He was not fine and who could blame him? He's walking into a class where people who should have guessed by now that he's Revite are. What if they try to detain him? He doesn't have an escape plan. He'd have to go to jail for vigilantism. Dabi's going to kill him if that happens.

The students he could maybe handle. All of them are analysts and probably have figured it out by now if any information was released to them but he could still persuade them to maybe help him out. Half of them may be trying to be heroes themselves but the other half's whole job is criticizing heroes and being logical. They'd understand what he's trying to do as Revite better.

It's the teachers he's worried about, one teacher in particular. All Might was there not only for his appearance at the USJ but for his phone calls. He'd had to have pieced together the puzzle. He wasn't hiding his identity of Revite very well when his guard was down. All those things he said when on the phone, it didn't take a genius to connect it to his identity. Today he'll see All Might and all the other teachers who'd have access to all the information regarding the USJ incident and they'll know who he is. He's done for. He won't get to be Revite anymore. Endeavor will keep custody of his kids. The commission will continue to wreck the hero system.

He took a deep breath. Calm down Izuku, he told himself, just walk in there and what happens, happens. There's no preventing it.

With a burst of courage, he stepped into the classroom. He barely had the chance to breath before he was bombarded. A surprised yelp left his lips as eighteen of his classmates (Shinsou remained brooding in his desk) crowded around him with a dozen questions falling from their mouths. Eyes wide, he took a step back but his classmates still surged forward.

"Dude! I can't believe you got to see what happened at the USJ!" One girl shouted. A girl identical to her exclaimed, "Can you give us a run down of all the quirks? How did the heroes take down the Nomu? Details, we need 'em!"

"Uh." Words failed him as shock gathered majority of his brain power. What was with all the questions? Why aren't they asking him about Revite? They're all analysts, surely they figured it out.

"What was it like seeing All Might in person?"

"I heard you went out a window!"

"Was it scary?"

"The news showed Revite was there, what's your opinion on him?"

He nearly tripped over his own two feet as the flurry of questions was barreled at him. He held up his hands in panic. "I don't- uh, sorry but I-"

"Give him some space!" An affirmative voice interrupted him. The crowd around him immediately took several steps back leaving only a girl, with bat ears, and a boy, who's tie was so loose it was practically falling off, standing in front of him. The girl sent a glance back at the crowd and stuck her tongue out before looking back to him with an outstretched hand. "Bunch of fuckin' animals. I'm Kiku Komori, class rep. Though, you'd know that if you were actually here the day we picked roles."

The switch in her tone from annoyed to cheerful nearly gave him whiplash. He let a smile reach his face and shook her extended hand. "Izuku Midoriya, and sorry about that. My supervisor wouldn't let me skip internships."

"Totally get it. We're all cool here. My internship with Mt. Lady calls me out of class all the time," Loose Tie Guy commented, brushing imaginary dust of his shoulder.

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