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Izuku wakes up to grey walls and cell bars. His head was pounding as he blearily opened his eyes. He winced when he shifted to sit up. The world seemed to spin as he pressed a hand to his head, glancing around the room. Grey walls, grey floors, grey ceiling. The only place without grey was a barred opening in the wall closest to him.

He tries to remember how he got there. The last thing he can recall is Charlie's home and the screen with a single word displayed across it then everything going dark. This cell - for that's what this place surely is - is not familiar. 

Moving to his feet, he walks towards the bars. There is no space to squeeze through, not that he expected there to be. Whatever happened at Charlie's place, it led to this trap; a trap he'd escape from. He needs to get back to Dabi and Hawks. If he can get that notebook he found and use it to out the commission then they could end the system. He just has to get out of here, wherever here is. 

He jerks the bars, frowning at their sturdiness. It's unlikely he'll get out with force. The lock looks pick-able at least. 

Patting down his pockets, he realizes all his items have been removed. The only thing that remains is his mask, voice changer still in tact. Guess he can't get out that way either. No widow nearby either. The light streams into the room solely through a lamp screwed to the ceiling. Maybe he could break it and take the wire from there to pick a lock. Would that kind of wire even work? It might be too flimsy but if he can force his kidnappers to replace it enough times he could layer the wires and--

"Whatever you're planning, it won't work." 

The sudden voice lurches Izuku's heart into his throat as he spins around. Fear doubled, he scans the shadows a second time, making out the person crowed in the corner. Their knees are drawn to their chest, head resting atop them. The rest of their figure was too concealed in the lack of light. 

"Even if you managed to get past those bars, you won't make it out," they further explain, voice cracking like they had a cold. "There's motion sensors covering every inch of this place tracking where you go and a dozen guards stationed at each door. It doesn't help that the hallways are a maze. You'd run yourself in circles trying to figure them out. Besides, past this floor is a mystery. There could be heroes crawling everywhere and we wouldn't have a clue." 

Izuku did his best to ignore the disappointment that pooled in him. Part of him wanted to believe he could make it out despite what the man said but he knew otherwise. He can't break out, at least not yet. 

Coming to terms with the man's words, he plopped down on the ground, crossing his legs. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and asked, "How long was I out." 

"Don't know," the other admitted. "You've been here for two hours if that's what you're wondering." 


"Hard to tell down here. Likely midnight." 

Great. Dabi most definitely is worrying about him. He should have told him he was going out, he should have waited. Now he's stuck in a random building's jail cell with no obvious way out. Just him and the man in the shadows. 

He sighed, debating whether he should pull off his mask and hood or not. There was no use hiding who he was to this man but. . . maybe it's safer for both of them if he doesn't. There's no telling what sorts of trouble the other could get into having the knowledge of who he is. He could be targeted for that information if they ever get out of here. (They will get out, he will get out

Dabi would dropkick him if he told another soul about who he was anyways. 

He looked to the man again, a frown on his lips. He said, "I won't do anything to you, I promise. Come into the light a bit. If we're sharing a cell, we might as well get to know each other." 

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