champagne problems • lisoo

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"Soo-ya," whispered Lisa. "Yes?" Jisoo just answered lazily. "Can you check me?"

Girls code.

"You're safe," answered Jisoo, while putting on a long face.

"Vegas, here we go!!" Jennie and Chaeyoung, the couple, screamed in excitement. The other two, Lisa and Jisoo, just sighed with zero enthusiasm. "Yay.." Lisa just sarcastically added. She looked as if she was dying just thinking how long she was going to be stuck with her friends in this trip.

"Ah, why aren't you two happy like come on, guys, this is our last trip before Chaeyoung and I get married on March! Let's just have fun, okay?" Jisoo folded her arms and rolled her eyes at Chaeyoung's reprimand. "Maybe, if you didn't ask this twat to come along.." Lisa lightly punched Jisoo in which only returned with Lisa narrowing her eyes at Jisoo.

"Gosh, calm down. Why can't you two just chill and stop bickering for a while?" Chaeyoung stresfully tried to separate the two. "I mean I wasn't even talking to her? She was the one who kept on shittiny on me," replied Lisa.

"Girls, I'm about to lose my mind, but please just for this one last damn trip. Can you guys behave nicely and at the fucking least honor our upcoming marriage? Pretend like everything's good, okay? Let me remind you once again, this is the last fucking vacay before our whole life changes. We need to have the fun." Both Lisa and Jisoo took a deep breath in annoyance. "Alright. Just this one trip."

"Great! Then, we have a deal." Jennie grinned from eye to eye. "Now, get ready, because we're going to party!" Jennie shouted, pulling the girls' hands. "Please, I'm still jetlagged from the night train!" Lisa screeched. "Well, it's your fault you booked it. We could've flown from LA to Vegas in no time, but you booked that shitty train just to sit in between silent sleepers and depress yourself even worse. Besides, you already took like a whole six hours nap after we checked in, although Somi was like super loud the whole time just to leave us behind," Jisoo remarked.

Lisa stayed quiet, ignoring Jisoo's comments. Her head was aching still, even when she's all dressed up and ready. "Where are we going?!" Lisa snapped as Jennie's vigorous pulling continued. "The club, duh!"

Everyone had very little concern even when knowing Lisa didn't really like bustling crowds very much. However, Lisa seemed unmoved and acted fine.

"Somi! Irene!" Jennie waved towards two girls in short gliterry dresses, sitting on the bar while drinking and chatting with each other. "Hey, girls. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!" Irene hugged Jennie and patted her best friend's back.

"Ah, thank you... By the way, you are coming next month, right?" Irene nodded. "Obviously. We won't miss our best friends' wedding in heart beat, will we?" Irene and Somi both chuckled, followed by Jennie and Chaeyoung. Only Jisoo and Lisa remained silent.

"Jisoo, long time no see!" Irene gave an immediate hug towards her co-actor in a major hollywood movie released not so long ago. "You're still pretty as ever," Jisoo complimented. "And you're still gorgeous as well. How have you been?"

"Meh, I'm fine, nothing big, nothing bad," Jisoo responded as she remembered how boring her life has been for the past few months. "Hi, there, Lisa!" Irene also greeted her friend whom she met from a fashion gala a few weeks before. "Hi, Irene."

"Want some drinks?" Lisa shrugged. "Old fashioned would be nice." Irene called the bartender and ordered the drink. "Classic choice. I knew you'd be into those! Anyways, Jisoo? Drinks?" Jisoo nodded. "Dom Perignon." Irene gestured an okay with her hand and ordered again to the bartender.

"Drinks on me tonight, girls," Somi told the rest of the group. "Just drink and dance until you die!" Jennie and Chaeyoung immediately went wild with Somi, while Irene stay tamed on her seat, more like stress drinking.

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