and so distance makes the hearts grow fonder with longing • jensoo

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Jisoo and Chaeyoung sat on a weathered bench at the edge of a bustling train station, their gazes fixed on the digital clock hanging above the platform. The two of them had been friends for years, having met in college and bonding over their shared love for art and adventure. Today, they were waiting for an acquaintance that Chaeyoung had known since she was little and Jisoo had known since Chaeyoung introduced her to Jisoo. They hadn't seen her in a long time – Jennie, a globetrotter, Chaeyoung's third cousin, and Jisoo's long time girlfriend – who had been travelling for the past year, doing countless projects those boosted her career both as a model and an idol during her prime time.

The train station was a mix of the old-world charm and the modern convenience. The hints of vintage gave classy vibes upon the simplistic and minimalist futuristic designs. Its ornate architecture hinted at a bygone era while digital displays and fast trains represented the pulse of the modern world. Jisoo had chosen this meeting place for its fusion of the past and present, a fitting backdrop for their reunion with Jennie – and definitely not for any other reason such as all she wanted was to meet Jennie directly and immediately after the latter arrived because Jisoo so dearly missed her.

As the minutes ticked by, Jisoo decided to recount the stories of their college days with Jennie, the art exhibitions they had attended together, and the countless cups of coffee that had fueled their creative conversations and projects. Their laughter and chatter drew curious glances from fellow travellers, but the two hardly noticed. They were lost in a world of shared memories and anticipation, especia

An hour had passed, and there was still no sign of Jennie. Jisoo began to fidget with her phone, anxiously checking for messages or updates. It was autumn, somewhere around mid-October, so it wouldn't be common for someone to have trickling sweat on their forehead, but Jisoo was cold sweating. It was especially not normal for people to suddenly have their breath hitching as if it was out of some sort of hesitation, no matter how little.

As though it seemed like Jisoo and Chaeyoung got along easily for their shared humor and everything, the two almost-inseparable-in-college-besties were the complete opposite of each other and it was chaotic. Jisoo had this fun insane energy. She was charismatic, cool, relentlessly reckless and festive, yet very glamorous in public social events. Chaeyoung's calm. She's an endearing sweetheart that could be loud in certain times, but she's more contained. While Jisoo could never really hide her true colors, Chaeyoung was much more patient and soft and tolerant.

It was ever hardly a task for Chaeyoung to read Jisoo's expression like a shaman. Chaeyoung had noticed Jisoo looking uneasy. She saw how her friend who was supressing her frantic behind loud chatters, bright smiles, and lousy jokes – that they both ended up laughing on anyways – and so she placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "She's probably dealing with some flight delay," said Chaeyoung, her eyes reflecting of hope that Jisoo's girlfriend – and soon to be fianceé – would arrive soon.

However, as another hour drifted by, their hopes began to wane. Jisoo sent a bunch of worried texts to Jennie, and Chaeyoung kept on checking her phone incessantly, waiting for a response. Minutes stretched into hours, and the train station grew quieter as the darker part of the day approached. The once bustling platform began to empty, leaving only the echoes of footsteps and the distant hums of train engines.

Chaeyoung sighed and leaned her head on the bench. "Maybe something came up, and she couldn't make it," she suggested, her voice laced with disappointment.

Jisoo nodded, her thoughts clouded with concern. It wasn't that she was scared Jennie wouldn't fulfill her promise towards her. She wasn't sad either if her efforts to pick Jennie up from the train station went to waste. There was this pain deep in her guts, creeping and crawling up her skin as she grew fearful of something that might happen to her dearly beloved.

As time passed by the two grew quiet and distant, with Chaeyoung scrolling through her Instagram to pass the boredom and Jisoo just sitting with a blank stare, fidgeting mildly as her heartstrings pulling her brain into flashbacks of the older days.

The last time Jennie and Jisoo met was three years previously before that day. It was a rainy day, some could call it stormy even, since it was such a heavy rain. Jisoo had offered her friend – back in the day – a ride using her manager's car, since Jisoo wasn't financially able yet to own a car. Jisoo remembered clearly how their first and last kiss tasted like, when Jennie cupped Jisoo's face with her cold palm of hands and when Jisoo was on her tallest tip toes, curling toes, because Jennie was wearing heels at that exact point of time. She even still remembered how her arms embraced Jennie's waist like it was the end of their lives, pulling Jennie until she dropped her bags on the floor. The airport had seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls and heard more prayers than churches, and so the airport saw the truest of Jisoo's and Jennie's shaky, inexperienced shared kiss and heard of Jisoo's cries of prayers in her heart.

While Jisoo reminisced the moment, she felt like she truly was in the moment, witnessing the younger as she left to chase her dreams and Jisoo was left to long for her. That was Jisoo's confession day, in which her excitement of her feelings being accepted and reciprocated were quickly buried under sadness of knowing that she would have to long for the younger for years as distance had to pull them apart and a realization of the long time constant dismay she would soon have to face for Jennie's safety of existence.

There were times Jisoo could simply dodge the thoughts of missing Jennie. She knew Jennie had to chase her dreams. Jisoo didn't want to be that kind of partner that limits their partner's life. She wanted Jennie to become the brightest and support her in every way she could. She would give anything for Jennie, and she would be proud of anything that Jennie would achieve. Yet sometimes, there would be periods of time, those thoughts of longing couldn't be ignored. Distance made her heart grew fonder of longing.

"You there?" Chaeyoung snapped her fingers in front of Jisoo's face, waking her up from her slumber.

"Yeah, yeah– uhm–cool, yeah, sure, I mean of course, I'm here," stuttered Jisoo.

"Good. Let's get some drinks from the vending machine. If we're going to have to wait longer, we would need some energy at least," replied Chaeyoung, snickering.

"You can go. I'll wait. Just in case–"

"Ah, come on! It wouldn't be longer than five minutes. You know I can't choose for you," grumbled Chaeyoung in a joking manner. Jisoo was an all-in eater, but she's quite picky when it came to beverages.

Just as they were about to stand up and leave, their phones chimed in unison. It was a message from Jennie. With bated breath, they opened their phones respectively and listened to the voice record which said, "I'm so sorry, guys! My flight got delayed, and I'm still stuck at the airport. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Relief washed over Jisoo like a pouring rain, clearing her head in an instance. Their faces lit up as they broke into wide smiles, and they couldn't help but laugh at the rollercoaster of emotions Jisoo had just experienced. Jennie's message rekindled their excitement, and they knew that their long-awaited reunion was just a little delayed, and not cancelled forever.

They waited a little longer, watching as the station's lights came to life against the gathering dusk. The platform began to fill up with new arrivals, and finally, they spotted a familiar figure making her way towards them – Jennie, with her backpack, a sun-kissed smile, and stories of far-off places to share.

As they went to Jennie, the trio laughed at the unpredictability of life and the joy of being together once more. The train station, a place that had seen so many departures and reunions, became the stage for their heartwarming reunion, reminding them that no matter the distance or delay, what's true would always be able to withstand it all and even the darkest of storms.

"Welcome home, darling," softly whispered Jisoo as she pulled her girlfriend to her own hug.

There's no such thing as happily ever after, but there's always joy in everything done together with love.

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