nail polish and paper airplanes • chaelisa

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Chaeyoung's POV

I was still painting her nails. She loved black nail polish, so I always brought my lacquer with me, while intentionally showing off my black nails every time I was around her, waiting for the day she would notice then demand me to paint her nails.

And when it finally happened, my shaky hands agreed to do them beautifully like I did with my nails. Though with absurd feelings I couldn't really fathom lurking in my stomach, I didn't back down and did everything with the courage and determination of a warrior when conquering kingdoms. Her eyes were sharply piercing through my chest and I could feel her intense stare indirectly drying my throat.

Ever since that paper airplane incident in class, I became ever so sure about my crush towards Lisa. There was no doubt in it for sure.

Those attention seeking boys and their dumb paper airplanes were exiled to the principal's office the moment Lisa stepped in to save me from their pranks. Thanks to Lisa, I rarely got bullied again by those cranky jobless teenagers.

The crush I had developed on her actually could be traced back to way before that incident, but I wasn't very convinced yet until it happened. I kept on confiding myself that it wasn't true, but the moment she took my hand after she crushed the paper airplanes, I changed my mind.

She could've just left me while I cried alone in that locker room. I already told her I needed time and space anyways, so she was free to leave. However, she decided to stare at the ghosts behind me, making me question everything and especially how she felt and cared for me. She stayed, comforting me with her mere presence.

In a silly impulsive moment, I jumped to hug her. As her delicate touch reached to tuck my hair behind my ears and moved to rub my back with her warm palms, I knew she would make me vulnerable just by making herself present around me.

Oh, how I hated her smile after that moment. Oh, how weak I became towards her once the moment had gone away.

Months passed by and all that grew was the constant wish that overpowered and completely overtook my heart to confess. Damned be this feeling. Damned be the feeling that kept on making me want to tell her how much she meant to me. No worldly desires could ever persuade me–if I was Eve–but her.

While I knew she didn't love me, my heart yearned for her warmth, even in that such little moment of nails painting. It was love in the silence of the air that I thought both of us denied to believe, refused to process. What was I even hoping for?

"You know, you don't need to care about me," I said, words barely coherent in the mumbles of agony. I didn't know why I was so sad—there were too many things to mourn of at the same time, so I just grieve for my being in general, I believed so.

"You said she's more of your type, right? She's pretty." I sighed.

We met a girl some time ago. Though I couldn't be jealous since I was no one to Lisa, I couldn't help but blatantly envy how Lisa looked at her. Lisa told me she was pretty and I immediately found my head spinning like a carousel.

And the fact that Lisa knew I liked her when she told me about that pretty girl, who was apparently her type as well, bothered me right into my core. Nonetheless, I had to keep my straight face. I had to let go and just tell her that she was obviously free to want anyone, especially since the girl she found pretty was actually very nice and famous for her smartness. Who was I to compete with such charming person like Jennie, the stargirl of the whole high school?

"So?" She asked, there was a tone of uncertainty laced in that one word question. There was a glint of joy in her eyes that I read as probably thinking I was jealous or some sort–though I convinced myself I wasn't and that I just wanted her to open up to the world that she was hiding from.

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