i'm sorry i'm not your prince charming • jensoo

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Jennie scribbled over the paper again. That paper was not even paper at that point, just an inky mess with layers of correction tape on it. How funny that the paper in front of her resembled her so much-the heart that had been torn way too many times that to be even called whole is a mere miracle that'll never happen.

By some magic–because Jennie had been secretly praying someone, well a speficic someone to be exact, to call her up and entertain her in that ungodly hour–a phone call lit up Jennie's phone (and her uncontrollable smile). Never had Jennie turned on her volume, so she only noticed the phone call through the little notification bar or the way it lit up when she's not paying attention to it. However, the ID that popped up had been set to a special ringtone that would still ring even when the phone's muted.

"Hey, Soo-ah... What's up?"

"Well, what do we have here?"

Jennie swore to every star. There was something about Jisoo's voice that was so intoxicating. Whether it's her thick sultry voice or her soft dreaded strained sentence endings, it always made Jennie tipsy. Jennie started to wonder if it was Jisoo's voice that always made her drunk or her presence that ignited her head to daydream of things she would never dare to think of with anyone else.

"And don't tell me you just woke up. Kim Jennie never wakes up this early unless she's in the military camp."

"I swear I was 'bout to go to sleep, Soo-ah." Jennie chortled a little. Of course, it was a blatant lie.

"You can't fool me, Nini. I heard the paper crinkling."

Jennie groaned in annoyance.

"What's even with that-you still miss her, huh?"

"Who?" Jennie then continued writing, putting her phone on loudspeaker.

It was 5:53 A.M. and Jennie was on verge of tears, holding the pen with shaky hands trying to paint letters on the sheet of paper, but Jisoo's silly little phone call gave her the little boost to go on. Who else would've known that she was still wide awake and wanting to bang her head on the wall as hard as she could so she didn't have to deal with it other than her one and only best friend in the world-who was scolding her by the phone?


The declaration of the name rang an alarm in the back of Jennie's head.

"Soo-ah, what is that even supposed to mean? We broke up back in high school and you know I grow indifferent quickly. It doesn't make sense."

"Like what you're doing right now makes any sense.. Well then, what are all those letters for?"

Jennie took a deep breath, scratching the back of her neck. She was too sleepy to function and truthfully she didn't want to explain yet to her friend–not that she wanted to hide secrets but if simply put, she couldn't describe the things she was doing in words that were believable.

"Honestly.. I don't know."

Jennie and Jisoo had been best friends for their whole life, so they had been there for each other in everything that happened in the course of their history. Only, they couldn't read minds.

Since the beginning of college, or basically ever since Jennie broke up with her highschool sweetheart, Jisoo had recognized her habits of writing letters. When asked about why, Jennie only said something along the lines of "I love writing poems and letters" and "One day, I'll give these to my future partner" which was utterly nonsense for Jisoo (or in her words "fucking bullshit"), but she just patted her friend on her back per usual, giving her a look that she always gave her-a reassuring gaze, saying that no matter how absurd she gets, she would still be the appreciating and driving force that would get Jennie to live her life happily, because her happiness mattered most to Jisoo. The thing was Jennie's commitment to the act scared Jisoo; it became increasingly worrying as if Jennie was falling into a rabbit hole–slowly losing herself in the process and descending to a cycle that was bleaching her from who she truly was.

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