blog • jensoo drabble from jennie's pov

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hey there, this is my first ever blog and i'm glad & super excited to share this with you guys. i'm jennie kim and this is a story about how i met the love of my life- or maybe not. she's literally the dumbest person i've ever been with in my whole life, i hate hate hate her so much!

imagine being trapped with your enemy, stuck in a whole damn elevator for your whole life. it sucks. that's me and the person who's ultimately lucky 'cause she's pretty, 'cause really if she's not- then clearly i don't know how to describe her. she always makes me bewildered and her stuns are unbelievably confusing.

okay, so when i was in high school i was a quite shy person. despite my mean-cold ice looks, and my so called 'high-class-fashion', i am- really i'm not even lying- not a cool girl. especially when i was in freshman year's first months, it was really rough for me.

i was a typical rich girl and since i was an only child, my parents were spoiling me. although they were really generous to me, they weren't as loving since they were really busy (my mom's an infamous dermatologist and make up artist, and my dad's a lawyer who also runs a fashion business with my mom, this will be connected with my story so pay attention) so they lacked so much family time with me.

they weren't as disciplined as well so i had a hard time trying to teach myself everything in order to be 'flawless'. yes, my goal since i was a kid is to be flawless. i was obsessed with being perfect.

i couldn't really experience that happy childhood moments and i kinda regret it now though. i was never that kid who played on the playgrounds with their parents, their father bought them ice creams and threw them in the air just to catch them again while their mother scold them for playing in the rain for too long or tanning under the sun too much.

instead i was that kid who could brag about all her barbie doll houses and small cars, live in a literal palace and wore princess gowns to every birthday party i attended. i had my own swimming pool and my own arcade, yet i couldn't even laugh that wide with my family. i never got those memories with siblings since i was an only child and my parents couldn't even show that much affection and love to me.

i was actually a kind of nice kid i guess. kids are just the way they are and i was that way too especially since i couldn't get much attention from my mom and dad, so i tried to find as much way to be their point of focus as possible no matter what.

but somehow as i grew up as a teenager, i was also bossy and 'determined' with people i get along with so once they realized how 'toxic' i was, they would usually leave me for someone better, either a new friend or a boyfriend/girlfriend, and all i could do was watch them distant away from me no matter how hard i tried to hold them back.

i was kind of arrogant and obsessive back then, yet it's really hard for me to be satisfied about results. i even suffered with ocd and my parents got worried (i was in 6th grade btw), like really worried, so they decided to bring me to a therapist to straighten things out and help me.

my behavior is the biggest reason why i don't really have that childhood best friends now since probably everyone forgot that i existed or was hurt too much for even if i apologized a thousand times it wouldn't fix their feelings and impressions about me and my unhealthy characteristics.

i did get better (or at least that's what i thought) although i couldn't fully heal the emotional wounds. my therapist told me it was okay to not be okay and it was fine to not be perfect because in this world, she said, nothing are. she just told me to stay positive and focus on my new goals instead. so i did.

i became as greedy as a dragon which hadn't eaten for millions of years after being sealed in a statue. i wanted to conquer the world so bad so i kept on studying and i invented a lot of things. i even became celebrity online, got really famous for choreographing popular k-pop groups' dances and making my own swag raps.

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