Cupid Screwed Up

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Eunhee held her chest as the image of Seonghwa's face inches from hers circled in her mind. His sharp eyes were soft, as he neared closer to her before softly planting his lips on hers.

His lips.

From what she could recall, they tasted sweet yet cold, but fruity like the moment strawberry ice cream makes contact with one's lips. Just the memory of his lips made a shiver to travel down her spine causing the hair on her body to stand.

Eunhee bit her lower lip, her mind still circling Seonghwa's image, like a constant reminder of how his very face drove her heart crazy.


And there it was again. The sound of her heart pounding like crazy, ready to jump out of her throat, every time her mind thought back to the mysterious yet gorgeous neighbour that had chivalrously saved her that night from herself.

"Yah! Kim Eunhee, didn't you hear what I said?"

Eunhee snapped out of her thoughts, looking at her brother with an evident daze in her eyes.

"The water...pass me the water," Taehyung repeated, pointing at the water bottle kept next to her on the dining table. Eunhee nodded, passing it to him quietly. She put her hand on her chest, telling herself in her head to calm down. But her heart wasn't in her control anymore. And neither was her mind. 

Taehyung had been back for barely a few hours, but it was nightfall already. And as usual, he had brought his best buddy instead of souvenirs from his so-called 'oversees' conference. 

"So, what's the tea on the neighbour train?" Jungkook asked as he stuffed his face with food. Eunhee, who was taking a bite of her kimchi, coughed at the mention of the 'neighbours' and quickly drank water.

"Nothing, nothing's the tea on the neighbours! Nothing happened," she replied in a hurry. Both Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged confused looks as they watched the girl eat quickly. 

"That's strange," Taehyung chuckled, "I thought you'd have fished out every piece of information about them by now. If not you, Hani would have, considering their looks."

"What do you mean by their looks?" Eunhee rounded her eyes at her brother, who just shrugged while eating his food, "They seem quite...good looking."

Eunhee scoffed, "Is that what you think of me and my best friend, who by the way has an IQ 149? That we'd go chasing around every second hot guy that we spot?"

"Hani's IQ is 149?" Jungkook tilted his head in shock and confusion, before glancing at Taehyung, "That's a digit higher than Namjoon hyung!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes then looked at his sister, "You were the one who said they were suspicious," then took the last bite of his food and kept his chopsticks down, "Forget I even asked. Moron."

"Duckface," Eunhee instantly retorted, earning a chuckle from Jungkook and a glare of annoyance from her brother. 

Eunhee looked at Jungkook with a raised brow, then at her brother, "Again, why is this squatter in our home?" she turned to Jungkook, "Don't you have a house of your own?"

Jungkook held his hand to his chest dramatically, "Ouch! That hurt! Also, I'm not homeless. My house is under renovation."

Ignoring Jungkook's response, Eunhee dug into her bowl of rice, muttering annoyed, "Next time just bring me Sømods Bolcher Bonbons instead of a big hunk of useless meat in the form of Jeon."

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now