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"Are you fucking kidding me? You want to still pursue this case?" Wooyoung ran his fingers through his hair with a look of disbelief covering his face, "Why?"

"Because we fucking accepted the money," Yunho retorted, equally pissed.

"We'll return the damn money!" Yeosang's voice was deep but loud, "But this is fucking suicide! We all saw what that girl is capable of!"

"Oh, and let's not forget the police officer brother, who might be a Peculiar too!" Wooyoung added in a high pitched, almost panicked voice. 

"The employers don't take money back, Yeosang," Yunho was sitting on the table, rubbing his temples with his eyes closed. Whatever he had seen at the nightclub's parking lot was just too much to process. He looked towards Hongjoong, "What should we do?"

Mingi walked out from the kitchen, holding eight mugs of coffee on a tray. He placed the tray on the table and nudged Jongho to get off the piece of mahogany furniture. Jongho shot him an irritated look, before hopping off and sitting on the chair.

"What do you think, Mingi?"

Hongjoong's question didn't really catch Mingi by surprise, however, he did feel a little conflicted. His mind was not entirely focused on the mission, though not worrying about it would put them in danger surely. There were three cases that worried him.

One- Seonghwa's condition and his ability to deal with the mission, given the decision to continue.

Two- the girl, Eunhee. Strange as it may sound, Mingi actually was worried about the fact that someone wanted a Peculiar of her level kidnapped.

Three- his personal conflict regarding people with peculiarities. After all, it was something that hit very close to home.

"This is definitely not about the brother anymore," Mingi was staring into space while holding his coffee mug close to his lips. The aromatic scent of the beverage was enough to wake him up from his daze. He inhaled a good amount of it, before looking back at Hongjoong, "If we back out from this job, we'll be in big trouble. But seeing that she's a Peculiar, I..."

Wooyoung turned to Hongjoong, so did the rest of the guys, "That girl is not human. She's a fucking Peculiar. We cannot meddle in this matter anymore! Seonghwa would never agree to this!"

"Neither do I."

San's voice caused the entire room to fall still. He was the only person in the room, except for the missing Seonghwa, who hadn't said a word till now. With his arms crossed across his chest, San kept looking at his feet, his dark hair falling over his eyes, probably hiding them as they shook.

He gritted his teeth as he continued, "I cannot in the right mind deliver that girl to some gangster who will turn her into a science experiment. Or worse- a weapon."

"We all know that, San," Hongjoong's voice came out with a gloss of sympathy. The entire room turned sombre, with everyone glancing back and forth between Mingi and San, two people who were very close to this particular subject.

San looked up and glanced in the direction of Seonghwa's room, who had conveniently decided to take a walk out for fresh air, "Seonghwa will ever agree to this and neither do I."

"We need more info," Jongho spoke up, hopping off his chair, "Not just about her but about the people who paid us as well."

Hongjoong nodded, "I'm going to try and figure a way out of this deal," he sighed, resting his hands on his hips, "Until then I need you," he looked at Mingi, "And Seonghwa to stay there and keep an eye on her."

Mingi nodded.

"Jongho, San," The leader called out, causing the two to look at him. San's eyes were red, possibly because he was holding back his tears, "and Wooyoung. I need you three to dig deep into these contractors. Yunho, Yeosang and I will work on getting out of this deal."

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now