Frankenstein's Monster

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" I...?"

Eunhee slowly blinked, her head swaying from left to right. Her vision was blurry but it slowly cleared. However, a hazy tint remained over her eyes as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. 

However, all she could make out was the white ceiling and a few bright white lights that only made it harder for her to see anything. Eunhee glanced around, trying her best to make out her surroundings, but nothing seemed clear or perceptible. 

She tried to raise her hands to her eyes and rub them. However, they didn't move. Eunhee then struggled, trying to move her body. But nothing seemed to move. In fact, it felt like she was being forced down on the bed by restraints. 

"What the fuck!?" she struggled more, but neither did her body move too much, nor did her strength seem to work. 

After spending a few seconds fighting against her restraints, she felt a sickening exhaustion take over her. Her entire body felt like it was being weighed down by a billion tonnes of dead weight. She exhaled, trying to calm her panicked heartbeat then closed her eyes to block out the hazy white lights that were only adding to her dizziness. 

'Okay...calm down, Eunhee,' she said to herself in her head, 'Think about the last thing you remember...'

And so she did. The last thing she remembered was making the deal with Jang Do Hyun to save his daughter. And everything after that was blank. She didn't even recall ever leaving the room. 

Suddenly, a faint memory from the very moment returned to her. 

Just as she had made the deal with Do Hyun, she had felt a sharp prick in the back of her neck. 

'That son of a bitch!' 

"I see you're awake."

Jang Do Hyun's voice caused Eunhee to look to her left. Though still blurry, the man's body appeared as a recognizable silhouette. Struggling against her restraints once more, Eunhee gritted her teeth, growling at him.

"What the fuck, old man!? I told you I'd help! So, what's with the restraints?"

Jang Do Hyun stared down at her socially, his face frozen expressionless, "This is Dr Lee, the man who's going to operate on you."

"Wait...what?" Eunhee's eyes drifted to the man that stepped into her hazy view, standing next to Do Hyun. He had a pair of round glasses on, with a surgical mask covering more than half of his face. From what Eunhee could see, he was dressed in green scrubs and his hands were covered in gloves till his elbows. 

A small sigh escaped Do Hyun's lips, "This is what you were bred for. So, let's just get this over with."

'Is this guy for real!?' Eunhee thought as Do Hyun walked away, stuffing his hands into his pockets. 

Eunhee's eyes fixated on the doctor, who leaned down a bit and moved his hand to her forehead. He carefully moved the strand of hair from her sweaty forehead and trailed his finger down the side of her face and along her jawline. 

"Hello beautiful," he whispered, "You have no idea how long I've waited to get my hands on you."

Eunhee thrashed against her bonds, but couldn't manage to even budge, "Get your hands off of me, you creepy mother-"

"Now, now," he giggled, pulling away. A glint of malice played in the doctor's eyes as he looked at Eunhee like she was a piece of meat, "I've waited for this day for years. In fact, I've designed this procedure myself which guarantees a high success rate. If all goes well, you might survive and then I can finally succeed in finding out the secret to natural-born Peculiars."

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now