Remember What You're Fighting For

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"Well don't you look pathetic?"

Eunhee's head slowly turned to the side, her eyes meeting Minhyuk's. Minhyuk strolled over to her with a smug smirk on his lips, "You should have stayed at the safe house with your mercenary protectors."

"Just what I needed," Eunhee groaned, "Life advice from the boy-bang wannabe."

"Seriously," Minhyuk scoffed, "They're about to literally suck the life out of you and you're making a snide comment at me!"

"Anything to dull the pain," she remarked. 

Minhyuk chuckled at that, then leaned down, his lips hovering close to Eunhee's ear. Eunhee knew very well that if she wasn't this heavily sedated, she'd have punched this man to kingdom come. 

"Don't react," he whispered in a low tone, causing Eunhee to stare at the ceiling in confusion. 

"Help is on its way," he continued to whisper under his breath, "Just hang in there."

Eunhee felt something cold against the skin of her palm. Minhyuk carefully slid the small scalpel into her hand and whispered to her to hold onto it for extra safety. She gave him a side-eyed glance as he pulled away. Eunhee tried to compose herself as she gripped onto the sharp scalpel and hid it inside the sleeve of her hospital gown.

As his face turned into another mischievous smirk, Minhyuk crossed his arms across his chest. Wordlessly he turned around to walk away, but just as he reached the door of the room, he glanced over his shoulder and winked at Eunhee. 

'So what're you gonna do with a scalpel? Slash the sordid doctor's face?'

Eunhee's head swayed left and right as she heard her own voice in her head. When she looked to the corner of the room, she saw herself sitting on one of the empty chairs. 

She groaned internally. 

It had been almost four hours since she woke up and had learnt she was probably going to die from this procedure. The squalid doctor had pumped her more with drugs to be on the 'safer' side. However, apart from being paralysed and borderline delirious, Eunhee's mind was now hallucinating. 

Her snarky thoughts were manifesting themselves in the shape of herself. The hallucination was an edgier, darker version of herself in a black clean-cut suit with chains attached to it as accessories. And to add a cherry on top of the situation, this 'darker' and 'scarier' Eunhee was also more sarcastic and nasty. 

"Go away..." she complained to herself in a hoarse tone. 

'Babe,' her hallucination's tone was wrought with sarcasm, 'If I go away, that means you're really gone for good too.'

"So what? You're gonna sit there and mock me for being a stupid fool and trusting these people?" 

Eunhee's hallucination jumped to her feet, then strutted towards her, running her finger along Eunhee's bound body. 

'I'm here to remind you,' she tilted her head, 'Why you can't afford to give.'

"I'm not giving up," Eunhee muttered, a tear escaping her red eyes. 

'Good. Because Seonghwa will be disappointed if you give up this easy.'

Seonghwa's mention made Eunhee remember the last time she had seen him. With his eyes closed, he had been sleeping peacefully in the bed. She remembered how she had placed a light kiss on his lips then walked off to get dressed. 

The image of Seonghwa's smiling face flashed across her mind, making her chest tighten from heartache. It reminded her of all the things she had planned and wanted to do with her life. There were so many places she had to visit and experience, so many more people to meet, and so many more romantic getaways to spend with him.

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now