Silver Linings & Pitfalls

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"Won't you guys be staying for a drink?" 

San looked at Chris and Felix with slightly raised eyebrows. 

"No," Chris shrugged, shaking his head, "We've got to get back home before we lose light."

San pressed his lips and nodded, before giving both him and Felix a light handshake and hug. Hani, who had been standing next to him, smiled sheepishly as she watched San hug them. 

"Thanks for looking after her," San said. 

Felix shook his head, laughing lightly, "It was more of the other way around, except for cooking. But anyway, it was like a fun mini-vacation with a friend."

"Let's catch up soon again, without an impending disaster on our heads," Hani chuckled, "And hopefully next time I'll get to meet the rest of the Strays."

Hani walked over to Chris and Felix, and hugged them both. Once she hugged Felix, she smiled apologetically at him, "I hope you guys can work things out and reunite with your brothers."

"I hope so too," Felix replied, "Hit us up if you're ever near or in Jiri-san."

With that, the two Strays walked off to their black pickup truck and hopped in, driving off towards the empty highway. 

San and Hani stood at the door of the house, staring as the truck got smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared over the horizon. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he reeled her closer to his body, lightly pecking her head. Hani leaned into him, resting her palm on his chest. She sighed, her eyes still set on the empty road.

"She'll be here soon," San whispered against her hair, fully aware of what Hani was thinking.

Hani nodded, "I know. I just can't wait to see her."

"I bet you'll tackle her into hugs and kisses," he chuckled as he veered her around into the house. 

Hani laughed, then slammed her fist into her palm begrudgingly, "Yeah, then wrap my hands around her neck and strangle her until she sorry for spiking my food."




"So, that was fun," Chan remarked as he steered the vehicle along the turn of the mountain road, a facile smile playing on his lips. 

Felix nodded, his head resting on his arm as the fresh air blew past his golden locks, "Yeah. It was nice to be out and about doing something. Even if it was staying in a safe house in Jeju."

Suddenly, Felix moved his hand to adjust the side mirror, his eyes narrowing at the black car right behind them. The car swerved a bit, allowing Felix to spot another identical one right behind it. 

"What's wrong?" Chan asked, noticing a spike in the latter's adrenaline. He glanced in the rearview mirror to check what Felix had seen, making his body go stiff. 

"Those vehicles have been on our tail for almost 30 minutes," Felix pointed out, "And two just drove into our view in front of us."

"Yeah, I noticed," Chan replied with a clenched jaw, "That makes it four, very dubious-looking black SUVs with tinted bulletproof glass."

"You don't think it..." Felix raised a brow at Chan. 

"Division B," Chan completed his sentence with alarm flashing across his face. 

"Watch out!" 

Felix exclaimed as Chan jammed his foot on the brake, causing their car to come to a screeching halt. The two vehicles ahead of them had stopped, forming a blockade on the mountainous road. The setting sun had hidden behind the mountain, casting a dark grey shadow over the road as both Chan and Felix stared at the cars ahead. 

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now