Blow by Blow

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Eunhee watched Taehyung pace back and forth in front of her to the point that it started getting on her nerves. She sat down, just as he instructed almost five minutes ago, ready to hear his answers or explanations or whatever he had to say. But all her brother had done for the past five minutes was pace back and forth, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Taehyung," her voice came out like a firm command, "Can you sit down, take a deep breath and just talk?"

Taehyung looked at her like a deer caught in the headlights, then nodded. Eunhee sounded exactly like their mother, who would command them with her stern yet warm voice to calm down whenever she would see them having a hard time. 

"Okay," Taehyung dragged a chair and sat across Eunhee, but made sure to sit at a safe distance so that if his sister felt the urge to smack him, he could easily dodge her, "Now, the thing is...the authorities aren't going to let go of this case easily, because there is a department in the government that works on these special cases, specifically."

"But you're a detective...can't you do something?"

Taehyung let out an exasperated sigh, "I can't, Eunhee. Because..."

Eunhee waited for him to continue speaking, but Taehyung stopped once more. Noticing the impatience grow on his sister's face, Taehyung decided he couldn't do this anymore. 

No more lying. 

"This special department is called 'Finders'. Their job is to find, locate and capture Peculiars, especially those who could be a threat to the world," as Taehyung talked about Finders and Peculiars, he could see Eunhee's eyes grow wider and wider. 

"Wait, you know about Peculiars?"

Taehyung stopped mid-sentence, then raised a brow, "How do you know about Peculiars?"

"I'm not the one giving an explanation right now."

"Fair point," he shrugged, then continued, "Now, do you remember this big promotion I told you about a few years back?"

"The big promotion that got us this gorgeous apartment and my very expensive telescope?" Eunhee cocked a brow with a small smirk. Taehyung nodded. 

It took her barely a second to lose the smirk as it hit her. Like a train coming at full speed. 

"I'm a Finder."

Even though Eunhee had figured it out by now, hearing the words from her brother's mouth made all the glass walls of her perfect little paradise shatter. Every wall that she had built upon memories with her brother, her parents, her friends...she could see every little shard of glass cascading down all around her. Her own reflection mocking her in those shards, reminding her that she was a fool to believe that she could ever have a normal life or that people would never disappoint her. 

"Eunhee...Say something."

Eunhee opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Her eyes had drifted into space, unable to look at her brother. There was an uncomfortable silence between them, which Eunhee finally broke, "'re job is to capture people like me...?"

"I had no choice Eunhee," Taehyung replied, "At that moment, it felt like the best way to keep you safe."

Eunhee bit the inside of her cheek, wanting to ask more questions about his work. If he was a Finder, then so was Jungkook, right? And they had lied to her all these years. Even now, how was she supposed to believe a word that came out of his mouth. 

"And what about mom and dad? Do they know what you do for a living? Or do they think you're some hot shot police detective, making them proud?" Eunhee's words came out sounding more spiteful than she had imagined. But there was no taking them back. 

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now