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"Mom, I'm home!"

Hani's announcement was met with deafening silence. 

"Mom?" she walked into the house, removing her shoes in the process, "Hello?! Mother!? Your fugitive daughter who's been gone for weeks is back home!"

As she continued walking around, Hani entered the open kitchen, her eyes landing on the fridge where a note was tucked away under a tiny koala bear magnet. Before reaching out to the note, she ran her finger over the dusty kitchen island. She scrunched her nose at the thick layer of dust her house had collected, then wiped it against her jacket. 

Grabbing the note from the fridge, she furrowed her brows. It was from her mother, written in her messy, doodle-like handwriting. 

'Going away for business. Will be back on the 10th of next month. Money for food and stuff is on your bed.'

"Of course you'd have to be home to notice that your only daughter was missing," Hani sighed, crumpling the note in her hand before throwing it away with an annoyed grunt. 

Resting her hands on her hips, Hani exhaled, "Calm down Hani. It's nothing new."

She opened the fridge and inspected for anything to eat. However, it was empty. Which wasn't a major surprise for her, considering her mother rarely bothered to stock up groceries and was mostly busy with her work. Plus, whatever time she had free, she would use it to either chastise Hani or remind her that she was a failure. 

Hani, nevertheless, was immune to her mother's antics. 

"Takeout food it is."

After eating a full serving of spicey teokbeokki and some cold noodles, Hani found herself lounging on the sofa, staring at the blank ceiling. She ran her tongue over her lower lip, thinking about the morning's events over and over again. 

Everyone woke up to the sound of Seonghwa screaming Eunhee's name. At first, he was casually calling out to her, but soon his search turned more panicked. Hearing Seonghwa's yells had caused Hani and San to jump out of their bed and rush out to find Seonghwa. But when they did find him, he stood at the main door, dejected and spaced out. Hani had taken the letter that was crumpled between his fingers that detailed her ordeal of how she must do this to protect them all. 

Hani covered her face with her forearm, stifling a small cry. 

It was, honestly, a slap across the face to have finally been reunited with her best friend, only for her to be snatched away once again. And this time, it wasn't some random rich old man looking to use her for a medical procedure. This time it was Compound X. A large, possibly worldwide, network of people wh used Peculiars for their work. 

 And they were just a few people...not even an army. How were they supposed to go up against Compound X?

The sound of something rattling and falling caused Hani to jerk and sit up. She got off the couch and realised the sound had resonated from down the corridor where her room was. She peered into the corridor but saw nothing but darkness. 

Instinctively, she grabbed the nearest vase she spotted and slowly treaded towards her bedroom. Eyes set on the door, she waited for it to open as she held the vase above her head, ready to smash it against the intruder. 

The door swung open and Hani let out a loud growl, ready to hit whoever the trespasser was. 



Hani stopped her hands midway, the sound of San's familiar shrill shriek echoed in the empty house. She put her hands down and exhaled a sigh of relief.

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now