Chaos Brewing

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"What do you want?" Seonghwa glowered at Hani, who stood in front of him with doe eyes and her hands behind her back.

Hani bit her lip, then cleared her throat, "I know it was unethical to take your friend's blood sample like this...but I needed answers."

"Answers about what? Whether we're like Eunhee or not?" Seonghwa raised a brow, his expression still sullen.

"So you do know about her powers!" Hani gasped, "I knew it couldn't have been a coincidence."

Seonghwa shook his head in dismay, then turned to open the door to his house. He was hoping if he left her outside the house, she might as well leave him alone. Regardless, when he opened the door, Hani invited herself into his house and walked inside before he could, "I didn't say you could come in."

"Well, I'm invoking my 'doctor' privileges, since my patients are in this house. I need to check on them," Hani shrugged.

Seonghwa deadpanned, "Well, I'm revoking those privileges."

"Look," Hani huffed, "I know what I did was inexcusable. But you guys wouldn't tell me anything. And I needed answers. So does Eunhee. You have no idea what it's like for her. At least you guys had each other to rely on. Eunhee's always been alone with her powers, with no one to help or guide her."

Before Seonghwa could say anything to her, their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Yunho, "Oh, Hey guys!"

"Hi Yunho," Hani smiled at him.

"What brings you here?" Yunho beamed back at her.

It was strange. From their last meeting to now, Yunho's personality had taken a 180-degree turn. His presence wasn't threatening anymore. In fact, it was more comforting, like being around a puppy that constantly looks at you with large eyes full of fascination.

Hani glanced at Seonghwa, worried that he might just cause Yunho to shift into someone intimidating by revealing what she had done.

"She's here to check on Hongjoong and San," Seonghwa replied impassively, prompting a small sigh of relief to escape Hani's lips.

"Great," Yunho led her towards the room, leaving Seonghwa alone in the living room, "Although it was unnecessary, considering Wooyoung's been around looking after them well."

Hani glanced back at Seonghwa, who had already moved out of her vision's periphery, "Have any of them woken up yet?"

"No," he replied dejectedly, "But Wooyoung is optimistic they'll be awake soon. And he was commending you on your deduction about San's condition. Ever since we started him on the recommended fluids, he's shown improvement."

"So, Wooyoung's like your private doctor?" Hani asked as they stepped into Hongjoong's room.

"Part-time doctor, full-time caretaker."

Wooyoung's sassy tone caught Hani's attention. The shorter male stood there after having hung a fresh blood bag for Hongjoong. With his body weight resting on just one leg, Wooyoung's leather pants and loose grey sweatshirt weren't the only elements about the man that dazzled Hani. It was mainly his thin and small alabaster toned face and long black hair that fell over his forehead that caught her gaze.

'How can mercenaries be so gorgeous?' Hani thought to herself before clearing her throat, "Uhm, Hi."

"Hey make-shift doctor," Wooyoung smirked. Dropping the empty blood bag in the dustbin, Wooyoung moved ahead to wipe his hands with a disinfectant then turned to look at Hani and Yunho, "Good work with the bullet wound, by the way. So, what are you like, a medical student?"

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now