Emergency Measures

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Eunhee knocked on Seonghwa's door, tapping her foot nervously on the floor. She had had it. It was too much to bear. Her mind was going crazy and she needed answers.

Answers to the night before.

She needed to know if they had actually kissed. And if they had, then why?

When Seonghwa opened the door, the last thing she expected was to see Eunhee barge into his house frantically, with a confused look on her face.

"Eunhee? What's wrong?" Seonghwa followed her into the living room, concerned.

Eunhee stopped when she heard his voice, then turned to look at him. Her mouth was open as if she was ready to ask him the question that was burning a hole in her mind and heart. But nothing came out. Seonghwa stared at her, his eyebrows furrowed.

She had not thought this through.

'What now?' She questioned her impeccable decision-making skills while standing frozen in front of him. Just the mere sight of his face caused her heart to beat rapidly. It sped so fast that she had to shut her agape mouth, worried that it might jump out of her throat.

How was she supposed to ask him about the kiss? What kind of self-respecting person does that?

"You're scaring me," Seonghwa walked closer to her with concern then looked down at her face, "Are you hurt?"

Though she had put herself in this position, Eunhee felt like a deer caught in the headlights. The anxiety on her face was evident yet Seonghwa's flawless features seemed to bring a sense of calm over her nerves. Calm enough to finally talk. 

Plus, she had no choice now, "Why...?"

Seonghwa waited for her to finish, but she didn't say another word after that. She was still so lost in his dark eyes that she had failed to notice Mingi walk into the living room as well, visibly confused by her presence in their house at 9 pm in the night.

"Why are you so nice to me suddenly?"

Her question caused Seonghwa's eyes to widen. It wasn't anything he had expected her to say. He was thinking maybe she needed his help, or maybe something had happened to her brother. Maybe she had found out his secret. The possibilities were infinite.

Instead, she had asked this. A question even Seonghwa wasn't able to answer for himself.

He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, a loud crash in the middle of the room interrupted them. The crash was followed by a thud and a blast of wind that radiated outwards, throwing them off balance for a brief second. 

The trio looked to the middle of the room by the fireplace in horror, as three men materialised into the room with dark coloured wind swirling around them and dropped to the floor, visibly hurt.

"San!" Mingi yelled.

Eunhee froze. 

She had just witnessed three men appear out of nowhere in front of them and drop to the floor. As the dark-tinted air dissipated around them, Mingi rushed over to them, calling out their names, "Hongjoong hyung! Yunho!"

One of the men rolled over on the floor, his chest heaving up and down, while the other held the third in his arms. He mummbled something, before collapsing on top of the third male. Then Eunhee saw it.


"What the fuck...?" She muttered.

Horrified, Seonghwa ran over to them. He grabbed the one covered in blood over his arms, while Mingi grabbed the one who had just passed out.

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now