The One That Needed Saving

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Eunhee stared at the large white mansion in disbelief. 

The number of large houses and mansions she had been coming across these past few days were more than usual. And most of these big houses were made from money acquired through shady practices. 

It made Eunhee wonder sometimes if she should have chosen to use her talents to earn some money rather than hide them. At least, that way she would have led a more comfortable life in some better part of the world and not on her heels, hiding and running from people that either wanted her captured or dead.

"Welcome to the Jang estate," Minhyuk smirked as he stood next to her. 

Eunhee glanced at him, then rolled her eyes when she realised just how proud he looked as if he had built it with his own blood sweat and tears. 

 "So, let me talk to him and don't say anything that might piss him off," Minhyuk continued rambling as they walked down the entry hallway. 

Eunhee, on the other hand, was busy studying the contemporary architecture of the house. There was wooden panelling in a lot of areas with a contrast of off white furnishings and green indoor plants that adorned most corners. Though Eunhee was expecting maybe a more ornate and old design to this house, with more gold gildings, the splash of modern art and contemporary art installations left and right were enough evidence of the family's money. 

"Are you even listening to me?" Minhyuk asked, but Eunhee didn't reply. 

She stared in front of her, eyes landing on a man standing at the end of the hallway which opened into a larger room. The man had his back to them, but as they walked into the living room, he turned, looking back at them with no surprise on his face. He was tall, almost six feet, but had slightly hunched shoulders. 

"D-Dad..." Minhyuk stuttered, before regaining his composure. He inhaled deeply, then raised his head, "I found the girl you were looking for. I, your one and only son, found the girl you'd been looking for so relentlessly and brought her home. I mean, let's be honest. No one but I was capable--"

The man, whom Eunhee assumed was Jang Do Hyun, deadpanned at Minhyuk, making him immediately shut up. He then diverted his gaze to Eunhee, and his expression softened immediately. 

Eunhee, on the other hand, glared at him. She clenched her jaw, holding back her instinct to sucker punch the man that was possibly her father's age. 

When he walked closer to her, Eunhee realised that the lines and wrinkles on his face were far more than she expected, and the sagging under his eyes hid a prominent but old scar under his right eye. If she were to guess, he was probably a few years older than her own parents. 

"You've grown up quite a lot," Do Hyun said. His voice was deep and rough, yet there was a softness to it. 

Eunhee could feel a sense of familiarity with him when she heard him speak. It was as if a light bulb had blinked on in the back of her head. Yet, she couldn't really place him in her memories. 

"The last time I saw you," he continued, "You were probably three...possibly four."

Eunhee narrowed her eyes at him. Then gave him a good look, all the way from his neatly brushed hair down to his feet covered in designer shoes. He was dressed in a rather normal grey business suit with an open-collar shirt. 

However, nothing about the man was intimidating. 

It was tough to believe that he was the person who had pursued her for so long and possibly turned her life upside down. 

"You do look a lot like your mother," he spoke up again, "Almost as if I've been transported to my twenties."

It was this comment that made Eunhee a bit uncomfortable. It reminded her why she was here. Which was not to admire his house or check if he was threatening looking. 

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now