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Yunho's eyes darted around the crowded room, moving from Jongho to Yeosang then onto Wooyoung, Hongjoong and finally stopping at Mingi. For a brief moment, he looked at Hani, who stood in the corner of the hall by the empty fireplace with her arms crossed across her chest, as if she felt awkward around them. San wasn't far from her, but not too close either. Finally, after studying everyone's expression, he looked at Seonghwa and Eunhee who were sitting next to each other, both slightly zoned out. 

Eunhee anxiously stared at Seonghwa who was looking in Hongjoong direction, who in turn, was sitting with his hands clasped in front of his face, deep in thought.

"Seriously? Is no one going to say it?" Wooyoung's voice caused everyone to turn their heads in his direction. Leaning against the old wall of the hall, Wooyoung hadn't said a single word until now. 

"Fine," he continued, rolling his eyes with a sigh, "Then I'm gonna say it. It's a trap and whatever ideas you'll have are stupid."

"It's my brother, Wooyoung," Eunhee countered, slightly annoyed. 

"So what?" Wooyoung's voice rose, "We should just head into raw danger with barely any information for him? Who, by the way, is a fucking Finder that puts people like my friends in jail!"

Eunhee was about to jump at him, baring her teeth, but Seonghwa held her hand firmly, then glared at Wooyoung, "Wooyoung. Stop it."

Wooyoung immediately shut up, gruffly leaning back against the wall. Though Seonghwa was sure the younger man had much more 'input' to give, it would just be fuel to fire at this point. 

"If Hani says my brother is alive. Then he is alive," Eunhee stated slowly and calmly, trying not to tick anyone off, "And I want to save him."

The entire room, excluding Hongjoong, looked at Eunhee, noticing the hitch in her voice.

"With or without you guys."

"Absolutely not. I promised Taehyung I'd keep you safe," Seonghwa squeezed Eunhee's hand, then turned to their leader and friend, "But I will suggest that we should help. If not all of us, then a few can go and execute a plan to get him out of the hospital."

Hongjoong shook his head, looking at Eunhee, "No one's going alone," then looked at Seonghwa, "Or at half strength," then finally at Wooyoung, "Or without complete information."

"So," Yunho asked, slightly unsure, "What's the plan?"

Sighing, Hongjoong got up from his seat, "For now, we wait. I have a few contacts in Seoul who can get eyes on the hospital and confirm the information Hani's shared. Once I have more intel, I'll tell you guys what's next."

"Fine, if you guys want to willingly step into the lion's den, I won't stop you. But I will not fucking partake in suicide," Wooyoung straightened himself, then stormed out of the hall towards his bedroom.

Everyone watched Wooyoung leave, then Yeosang got up, "He's just on edge. I'll talk to him."

Hongjoong nodded then turned to Mingi as Yeosang rushed out of the hall to follow his friend. Mingi noticed his leader's eyes on him, then shrugged, "I don't have much insight on this right now. Give me a few hours."

"I wasn't asking for that," Hongjoong remarked, "I want you and Seonghwa to get in contact with Chris, right now. He must be in Seoul."

Seonghwa raised his brows a bit at the mention of Chris, then nodded. Immediately, Mingi stood up and walked out as well. Seonghwa gave Eunhee a reassuring look and followed Mingi out as well. A few seconds later, Jongho and Yunho left as well.

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now