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Eunhee sat by the kitchen counter with her coffee in front of her. With her head propped on her palm, she was lost on a train of thoughts.

A particular train labelled 'The Neighbour Express'.

"Who'd want to move into such an old apartment?" she wondered to herself.

It hald only been one night since the two strangers had moved into the next door apartment. They had already knocked on their door twice. Once for introducing themselves, and another time to ask them about the neighborhood and how everything worked around here.

Personally, Eunhee found Mingi to be an amazingly sweet person. He had an air of kindness and his words were always carefully placed. Even if he towered over her own fairly tall stature, there was nothing intimidating about the man.

Songhwa, on the other hand, was a different story. She had seen the man only once out of the two times. He was gruff and not very talkitive. Infact, Eunhee wasn't very fond of his quietness.

It was unsetlling.

The apartment next doors was another object of her worry.

Abandoned for almost eight years, no one had ever moved into that place. Some neighbours on other floors talked of how a girl had jumped from the window from that house, years before they had lived here. A lot of people, older than them, even spoke of the house being haunted.

Eunhee didn't believe in ghosts. But, then again, her room was adjacent to the master bedroom of that house and she wouldn't deny hearing a few noises randomly from that place.

"Eunhee! Open the door!" A loud knock on the main door with a fmiliar voice snapped Eunhee out of her thoughts. She hopped out of her chair and walked swiftly, opening the door.

"You know, there's a device called a 'doorbell' so people don't yell at other people to open doors anymore," Eunhee shook her head in dismay as the door opened to reveal her best friend standing at the entrance.

"I doubt they did that before either," Hani said as she casually strolled into the house.

Although it was only 10 in the morning, Hani's glittering black dress, with round gemstones studded around the neckline, suggested that she'd been out and about for longer than this morning.

Slouching, she lazily dragged her feet inside, "I am so tired."

Eunhee watched her plop down on the couch, and closed the door behind her, "Why are yoy dressed like you were 'entertaining' some rich and famous in the Gangnam district?"

"Don't call me a hooker, I swear to God," Hani glared at her friend.

When their eyes met, Eunhee understood that she had been out clubbing all night.

Which only meant one thing.

"How many days are you staying?" Eunhee rolled her eyes.

"I never said I was staying days!" Hani protested.

Walking towards the kitchen, Eunhee grabbed an empty mug and poured some black coffee into it. She picked up her mug as well and walked back to the couch, where Hani was sprawled out.

"You were out all night. Your mother obviously isn't going to see your face for a while, so you might as well tell me," Eunhee handed her the cup.

The aroma of coffee instantly opened Hani's eyes. She sat up and gave Eunhee a sheepish smile, "Just a day or two."

Eunhee sighed, before rubbing the back of Hani's head lightly, "Kid, why do you defy your mother if you cannot deal with her temper afterwards?"

"Because, first," Hani sipped her coffee, "Mom wasn't supposed to come home until late. And second," she took another sip, letting the sizzling hot drink drain the fatigue away, "I got caught up with something."

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now