See Me Again

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Eunhee muttered as she saw him standing at the entrance of the foyer, staring at her with his stark blue eyes. His entire body looked paler than usual, as his body heaved up and down slightly and frosty breath exhaled from his lips. 

He had run all the way here. All the way to save her. 

Eunhee's eyes were fixated on him so much that she failed to notice that not only was he accompanied by the rest of the Pirate Kings but also the Taehyung's team, who had begun pouring into the room with their guns trained on everyone else. 

Seonghwa rushed to Eunhee, running past the half-frozen guards that stood like a light barrier between the two. Their bodies collided as he swiftly wrapped his arms around her. Eunhee felt the ground shift beneath her the moment she felt his body against hers. 

Her legs gave way. 

But Seonghwa caught her. Eunhee clung to the thick material of his leather jacket, as both of them fell to the cold floor.

"I promised...," Seonghwa gasped for breath, his face buried in her hair, "That I would protect you. And I intend to keep the damn promise."

Remaining quiet, she buried her head in his chest, inhaling the scent of his waning cologne. She was exhausted and she was scared. Despite what she had done to him, he'd come for her. It made her wonder what had she really done to deserve this. 

Eunhee shivered in his grasp, but only held on tighter. She could feel her mind blanking and swaying. But she didn't want to pass out. 

Seonghwa caressed the back of her hair, whispering sweetly to her, "I got you, babe. I got you."

Around them, the rest of the team was already disarming the guards and holding the entire Jang family and Dr Lee at gunpoint. Minhyuk had joined them by now, drawn to the chaos in the foyer, but he remained quiet as he watched his father get handcuffed by Namjoon. 

However, the frenzied world around her seemed to drown as Seonghwa's sweet and gentle voice soothed her. 

"I'm...sorry," Eunhee mumbled instead apologetically, "I shouldn't have drugged you."

His chest vibrated with a low chuckle, his eyes tearing up, "And ran away on a suicide mission."

Seonghwa helped her to her feet, cupping her face between his long hands, "I love you so much, but sometimes I want to throw you off a cliff."

Eunhee choked a laugh, pulling away from him. She then looked around the room, spotting everyone, including Namjoon's team with Jungkook. The sight of Namjoon tensed her up for a second. Something that Seonghwa noticed clearly. 

"They're with us."

"I don't get it..." Jang Do Hyun's stern but broken voice caught everyone's attention, "How did you find us?"

"That would be me."

Everyone's eyes landed on Minhyuk, who stood leaning against the wall, unbothered by whatever was transpiring in front of him, "I called them here."

Mi Do's eyes widened in anger, as she turned around to face her son and whipped a sharp slap across his cheek, leaving it red and burning. 

"You're no son of mine."

Minhyuk looked at his mother with a small smile, scoffing lightly, "I may be the worst kind of human, but I will not let your delusions degrade my sister's memory anymore."

The hall went quiet. But before anyone could say anything to Minhyuk, Namjoon tightened the cuffs around Do Hyun's wrists, "Jang Do Hyun, you're under arrest for kidnapping a federal agent and aiding and abetting a known criminal organization."

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now