The Makeshift Doctor

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"Eunhee! We're heading off to work!" 

Taehyung called out to his sister as he and Jungkook stood at the door with a small overnight bag each in their hands. 

Eunhee popped her head out of the room, but when she noticed the bags, her smile dropped, "More than one day?"

"Possibly," Taehyung replied. Watching his sister's smile drop made his heart sink a bit. Yet, it wasn't a routine they were unfamiliar with. He walked over to her, then gave her a short hug, "Take care of yourself."

"Yes, elder brother," Eunhee smiled at him. 

As the two men left the apartment, Eunhee's broad smile dropped once more. She stepped back into her room and slammed the door behind her. In front of her Hani, rubbing her sleepy eyes lazily and yawning. 

"Before you decide you want to sleep," Eunhee kept her hands on her hips, "Tell me what happened last night?"

"Last night..." Hani mumbled then yawned once more, "You mean after you dragged me into the house of possible criminals and asked me to treat a dying man's gunshot wound?"

Eunhee sat down next to Hani, "And I apologised for it. I mean, I cannot explain why I called you. But they needed help and I trusted you considering your college major--"

"Which is Biotechnology, not Medicine," Hani pointed out, to which Eunhee nodded, "I know that. But in that moment, I just had to help them...because it was like--"

"Instinct," Hani finished the sentence for her, causing Eunhee to stare at her. Eunhee stood up and started pacing back and forth, "You should have seen it, Hani. One second, I was talking to Seonghwa and the next this gust of black wind just burst in the room with such force and plop!" Eunhee slammed her hands together, "Three men fell out of thin air on the floor."

"Honestly, it sounds like a big science fiction movie," Hani raised a brow, "But then again, you're my best friend and you can do shit that happens in a science fiction movie."

"I think one of them has powers," Eunhee remarked, her eyes travelling to empty space, "Like me."

"It's San," Hani spoke up after a few seconds of contemplation in silence. Even though she had promised Mingi she wouldn't talk about it, Eunhee deserved to know the truth and the whole truth. 


"He was the one who was passed out in the other room. From what I've seen, he's not doing too well either," said Hani. 

"I'm confused," Eunhee looked at her with furrowed brows. But before Hani could reply with anything else, Eunhee's face straightened and she looked at her with a grave look in her eyes, "I need you to tell me everything."

*The Night Before*

"Who the fuck are you people?"

Hani's curt tone took Mingi by surprise. Even though he knew deep down that she was about to ask some very difficult to answer questions, he wasn't expecting such a drastic change in her demeanour. The ever-smiling and playful Hani looked deadly right now.

"Wow, that's a sudden change in tone," Mingi muttered with a small pout. 

"Look," Hani rested her hands on her hips, "I really enjoyed your company during the party. But that doesn't make us so friendly that you can't even explain this mess to me. Who are you people and what have you dragged Eunhee and I into?"

Mingi bit his lip nervously, then widened his eyes, "I'll answer your questions. But before I do that, can you please have a look at my other friend."

The Unbreakable |  An ATEEZ Sci-Fi AU | Part 1 Of The Peculiar SagaWhere stories live. Discover now