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: Bonus Story :

Jongho slowly awoke from his slumber as something sweet and soft was pressed upon his temple, his ear, his neck, his cheek, and his nose.

It was lips, or to be more exact kisses; his boyfriends kisses, and it wasn't until those kisses made it to his lips that he was finally motivated to actually wake up. To stop pretending to be asleep as he had just been doing in order to savour a couple more moments in bed and the tingling feeling of kisses on his skin.

"Jonggggiiiieeeee!" Yeonjun, Jongho's beautiful boyfriend of 6 years, said as he peppered the smaller with more kisses than he could count. "It's time to get uppppppp" he continued happily in a soft singsong voice.

Despite the pure bliss in the air Jongho still made a little groaning sound. He was a little groggy having just woken up, so his body was heavy with sleep. But with every kiss Yeonjun placed all over his face, a little burst of energy coursed through his veins motivating him completely wake up.

This wasn't the first time Yeonjun had woken him like this. It started when they'd moved into their dorm room at university and made the bold move to turn their single beds on opposite sides of the room into a double in the middle. 

At first the two boys slept on opposite sides since they weren't used to sharing their sleeping space with another person. They'd get up on their own and as to whether the other was still sleeping or not made no difference to their morning routine. Although they'd been dating for a long time they were still very separate entities when it came to their personal routines.

But one night the pair were in bed, Jongho cuddled up to Yeonjun's side as he watched him playing Death Stranding, when part way into game play Jongho had fallen asleep. Yeonjun not wanting to wake his boyfriend or move had carefully switched off his game, turned off the LEDs that had been previously dimly lighting the room, drapped his arms around Jongho and fallen asleep as well.

The following morning they had both awoken in one another's arms, Jongho cuddling tight to Yeonjun like a koala bear and Yeonjun hugging him back like the younger was his most treasured stuffed plush.

After that morning they'd naturally chosen to fall asleep within one another's arms just for the pure purpose of waking up cuddled together in the morning.

Whoever climbed in second in bed always scooted that extra bit more so they were pushed up against the others body; so sometimes they'd be spooning or sometimes they'd face each other and cuddle like their life depended on it.

Neither would leave the bed anymore either unless the other was awake or it was absolutely necessary. If they had to get up they got up together.

The kisses that started to happen upon waking were just simple morning kisses to begin with, but after Jongho had spoken of how he loved waking up only to then kiss Yeonjun, Yeonjun decided to just wake him with kisses instead. He was Jongho's own personal boyfriend alarm.

Jongho was in no way bothered by the thought of Yeonjun kissing him while he was asleep. He adored the boy and he was more than happy to let Yeonjun kiss him while he was sleeping if it meant that when he finally did open his eyes it would be to that soft touch of his boyfriends lips. It's not like Yeonjun was trying to snog him while he slept, these kisses were feather light, innocent and heartfelt no matter whether they were placed on the soft curve of his cheek or the gentle skin of his lips.

With that being said once they were both awake, regardless of who awoke first they'd shift things up to the next level. That level usually beginning with Jongho rolling onto his back and Yeonjun sliding over his waist.

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