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Shiber continued to lead San in the direction of the blue haired figure. The board walk happened to pass straight past where they were sitting on the bank of the pond.

As he got closer he observed the brown traditional style picnic basket and red blanket the figure was sitting on. San would like to have gone on more picnics but what was the point when he had no one to go with?

San wondered what their life was like. San looked down at Shiber who looked back at him with curious eyes.

San was about 30 metres away when a women in a broad brimmed hat, yellow summer dress and two take away cups in her hand strolled straight up to the blue haired male.

"Cute" San said as he watched her sit down and pass the male the cup. They must be a sweet young couple out for a morning breakfast.

Well he thought they were a couple. 25 metres away the male placed his cup beside him and suddenly tossed in the air was a young girl maybe 2 or 3, who wore a matching yellow dress like the women whom was obviously her mother.

"Aww" San cooed, it made them even cuter knowing they were a little family. San wished he had a family of his own, he wish he had that family with Yunho.

San sighed looking once again at Shiber. Shiber was all he had, and although he loved Shiber he obviously didn't give San the actual type of love that he craved. The type of love he hasn't felt with anyone since Yunho.

It must be nice to have someone to love, a family to care for.

San slowed his pace down and was now about 20 metres away, watching the small child giggle and dangle above the males head, her small hands grabbing at his hair.

And San was a mere 10 meters away when he stopped dead in his tracks.

The blue haired male turned his head to the side looking somewhere off in the distance.

If you gave San a pencil he could draw that face with his eyes closed, if you gave him a lump of clay he could shape it, if you showed San the night sky he could map that face in the stars.

San knew every curve, every bend, every sweet freckle the adorned the younger boys face, that San had traced so many times in their time together.

It was much more mature than when he had last seen it, but San could find that face anywhere.

San immediately turned around looking in the opposite direction.

"It couldn't possibly be . .?" San choked out under his breath "It can't be . ."

But in all honesty San knew deep in his heart that indeed was.

It was Yunho.

Yunho's face.

Yunho's baby blue hair.

Which meant that must be Yunho's wife.

Yunho's daughter.

Yunho's family.

And San's heart shattered into a million tiny shards, that only sliced him further on their decent to the ground.

San walked very quickly with his shaky legs to a nearby bench seat. His hand grabbing at his heart which was trembling in his chest. He angled his body away hoping that Yunho hadn't seen him.

But he had to look again, he had to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. San agonizingly slowly turned around.

His eyes that were drawn to the ground, slowly made their way back to the boy who he always thought would be his.

A moment passed, and although the park was teaming with life San felt like he was dead inside. His heart ripped carelessly from his body and tossed to the side.

If there was anything left in the remainder of the shell where his heart used to sit, it was just now, shattered for a second time.

The women licked her thumb and then smudged it over Yunho's cheek, Yunho smiling his sweet smile back at her. Just for her.

Yunho placed the small child beside himself, pinching her little cheek. He stood up tall and strecthed his arms above his head, he then took of his jacket dropping it on the picnic rug and flexed his arms to the left and then to the right.

Yunho may have had the same handsome face but more mature, but his body was all new.

San always felt it was his responsibly to keep Yunho safe, to protect the boy with the fragile frame and kind heart.

Yunho used to be small, smaller than San in both height and weight. He was so skinny that Yunho's dads had always tried to stuff him with food to beef him up. But no matter how much food they gave him, Yunho always stayed tiny.

But that old body was gone, in its place was a much fitter, muscular body. San knew even from where he was sitting that if they were to stand side by side now Yunho would clearly dwarf him.

But San knew he'd never get the chance to stand beside Yunho. He clearly no longer had the right to. His position had been filled by another.

Yunho was obviously no longer gay, maybe he was bi, but that was beside the point, Yunho had a family, a family San would never be a part of.

San couldn't bare to watch any longer, and so, with a heavy heart San stood from his bench seat, gave Yunho one last glance . .

And walked away.

A/n Sorry lemme just go crush your souls heheh

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