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San couldn't take Yunho home.
He refused to.

Yunho stunk, and so did the car despite the windows being down.

Yunho's family didn't deserve to see and have to deal with Yunho like this; coming home late from his debauchery & infidelity and covered in his own vomit.

San, with great reluctance, made a decision. He would take Yunho home, but not to the home where his wife and daughter lived, but to his own home where he lived with Shiber.

Where else could he take him?

He wasn't going to deliver Yunho to the house he'd taken his sugar baby, that would be weird, particularly if Jongho turned out to be there, and it seemed wrong to leave him in a hotel.

Although Yunho had hurt him he hadn't technically done it intentionally, so technically he didn't deserve any bad karma coming from San.

San had purely been hurt from what he'd witnessed, and a lot of it was self inflicted. It had been San's choice to listen to Yunho and Jongho outside his classroom, and to follow them when he saw them in the car park, and it was his choice take Yunho home with him now.

Yunho had grown up, he wasn't the boy he used to know and San needed to accept that. Maybe if he had gone against his mother and kept in touch with Yunho things would be different, but he hadn't and there was no way to turn back time now.

It was a short drive home, and soon San was pulling into his driveway attempting to get Yunho out of the car and into his house.

San could hear Shiber whinging from inside, he hadn't taken Shiber for his evening walk since he had gone out instead.

San tried to unlock the door while supporting a drunken Yunho as well as trying to avoid getting vomit on himself, his efforts were in vain though as Yunho leant into his body trace's of vomit staining his white shirt.

Once San was inside, he closed the door and switched on the lights. Shiber stood and eyed the pair curiously.

"Sorry I'm late Shibs. This is Yunho" Shiber stared back at San "Sorry your nose has to deal with his stench" San said trying his best to deal with said stench himself.

Shiber barked and then walked off "Thanks for your help Shibs!" San called sarcastically as Shiber disappeared down the hallway leaving the pair alone.

San looked at Yunho and then at his apartment. . .what was he meant to do now?

San scrunched his nose as Yunho leant further onto him, it was as if he were trying to fall asleep while standing.

"You ain't sleeping yet Yun" San said slapping Yunho's cheek and cringing at the vomit he now had on his hand. "I guess I should clean this up because obviously you're not going to and I don't want you staining my house with your stench"

San kicked off his own shoes and then half carried, half dragged Yunho's deadweight all the way to the bathroom, it was like some advanced weight training. He would have taken Yunho's shoes off at the door too but it just didn't seem possible.

Once in the bathroom he tried to place Yunho down carefully but he ended up dropping him on the floor. "Sorr- actually you know what? You deserve that" San pouted at Yunho's lifeless form on the floor.

San left him on his back in the middle of the floor on his bathmat as he went into his room, he located the biggest jumper he owned and some track-pants and then returned.

San lightly kicked Yunho's leg with his foot "You awake?" he asked.

There was no movement from Yunho.

"I hate you yet I still care" San breathed out as he knelt down next to Yunho's lifeless body to pull off his shoes, "Why is that?" he questioned.

San stood back up and grabbed a flannel, running it under the water before kneeling beside Yunho again and wiping the vomit off of his chin. He then pushed him so he was sitting up and San removed the taller's coat.

When he saw Yunho on Sunday he never expected to be wiping vomit from his face and changing his clothes not even 3 days later. He thought that that soul crushing moment in the park would be the last he saw of Yunho. The world works in mysterious ways.

San removed his vomit covered shirt and jeans, ignoring how good Yunho's body looked underneath, that body wasn't his to admire, and then dressed him again like he were a mannequin.

The pants were a little short on Yunho's body but the jumper fit snugly.

San used all his mite to lift Yunho under his arms and drag him to his bedroom. He would have stuck him on the couch but it meant he'd have to drag Yunho further and he'd also have to deal with the fact that Yunho was too tall to fit on his couch. It was simply easier to stick him on his bed.

Shiber appeared again sniffing Yunho cautiously as San pushed Yunho onto his mattress.

San bit his lip as he pulled the sheets over Yunho's body. Yunho didn't deserve his kindness, so why was it that he was taking care of him? Why was he tucking his ex lover in his bed and pushing his blue hair out of his eyes? Why is it that he was sitting on the edge of the bed just to make sure that he was definitely ok?

Shiber jumped on the bed and rested his head on Yunho's chest and San let a tear slip down his cheek. San wanted to hate Yunho with everything he had, but he just couldn't not completely.

Helping Yunho tonight was testament to how much he cared even though he really shouldn't and no longer wanted to. This would be the last time he helps Yunho, San told himself, the last time he'd show his kindness to the boy who held his heart for so many years. Next time he'll just turn and leave.

San wiped the tears from his eyes, silently cursing Yunho for making him cry.

San fetched himself a change of clothes and then returned to the bathroom trying to rid his body of vomit.

After he'd showered and brushed his teeth he took his and Yunho's clothes straight to his washing machine dryer, sticking the clothes inside and turning it on immediately.

He did one final check in on Yunho, Shiber seemed quite content to stay with Yunho so San left him there. He grabbed a blanket switched off all the lights in his home and fell asleep curled up on his couch.

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