•⊱•••• 31 ••••⊰•

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Have you ever seen a giraffe run?

How they look both graceful in their galloping strides and unbalanced because of their long neck?

How the whole time they're running at full speed you're just sitting there hoping they don't trip?

Well imagine that, but replace the giraffe with a much shorter San.

San looked both graceful as he ran, and also unbalanced like he was going to trip at any second if he wasn't careful, worrying every student, teacher, parent and everyone in between that he passed.

San knew Jongho got picked up from the left most car park, he'd once walked the boy part the way when the younger wanted to chat after school.

So San ran at full speed, hoping that Jongho hadn't left the premises yet. Even if he had, San was prepared to go straight to the mid school office grab Jongho's file and look up a contact number.

San wasn't really breathing anymore, he was gasping, his heart thundering in his chest as he finally got to the parking lot. His body was now drenched from the rain as his eyes scanned around looking at all the students.

In a snap nothing mattered, suddenly even Jongho didn't matter.

For in the distance, San could see Yunho's car, and if that were Yunho's car then Yunho would be inside. He had to be.

Once again he was running at full speed down the line of cars in the parking lot. He screamed Yunho's name but the thunder drowned him out, he cried but his tears blended with the rain, he refused to blink for fear that if he did Yunho would disappear.

He was two cars away when a car began to reverse, San quickly turned and apologised mid stride jumping out of harms way, but as he was turning back forwards again and he went to take a step his foot got caught in a deep puddle in the gravel parking lot road.

San cringed and stumbled trying to recapture his balance, but it was pointless he was going down. San somehow managed to propel himself forwards as he was falling aiming for Yunho's car for support.

What he didn't expect though was for Yunho's car to suddenly move. It made Sans fall a hundred times worse as he collided with the back corner of the car.

San gasped and groaned as he fell sideways and then rolled on his back clutching his arm to which made contact with the gravel first, cursing himself for not being more careful. Nothing was broken, its just that the gravel made his landing more painful.

San looked up at the sky for lack of better idea of what to do, the rain hurting his eyes with each droplet.

San knew Yunho would appear any second now. He had to. This was the car he tailed, Yunho had to be inside.

Suddenly San could hear a door opening and low and behold San could hear Yunho's voice, swearing.

San felt himself begin to laugh.

This week has been terrible, absolutely fucking terrible and it was all his fault. If he hadn't jumped to conclusions over and over again this day would have been very different, his whole week would have been.

San clutched his chest and closed his eyes as his laughter became so hysterical it was painful.

But then there was a voice, cutting through his laughter & pain, and dividing the rain with one simple word.


San opened his eyes right as Yunho and his beautiful blue mop of hair dropped to his knees by San's side.

"Sanshine?!" Yunho called again. San could see the clear alarm and shock in his eyes.

Without delay and ignoring the stab of pain in his body San shot up and forwards toppling Yunho backwards falling in between the tallers legs and onto his chest.

San was so close to Yunho that their noses were almost touching as they looked at each other.

San had to search Yunho's eyes seeking and determining everything with unspoken words, simply just glances. He had to know for sure that Yunho still loved him, that everything Jongho had said in his project was true about Yunho loving him and never stopping loving him.

Yunho's eyes were red and wide with shock, his mouth slightly ajar, San could feel the taller's heart beat erratically from within his body against his chest.

San reached up a hand pushing Yunho's wet blue hair out of his eyes.

Yunho smiled and San had his answer.

San tilted his head, his lips brushing against Yunho's.

A touch so light, yet so electric.

In a milli second both craved that spark again and their lips were upon each other colliding in a hungry mess.

San closed his eyes, as did Yunho, the world around them slipping away as they kissed. San was no longer at school, in the car park, in the rain, he was with Yunho.

San's tongue collided with Yunho's as if he were trying to eat him whole and make them one.

The thunder and lightning in the skies had nothing on the beating of their hearts; the thunder was a mere whisper and paled in comparison.

Rain pelted down on both of their bodies drenching them further, but at this very moment they were drowning blissfully in each other.

San practically melted as he felt Yunho's arm crawl up and encircle his body and within seconds Yunho had flipped them so now San was lying flat against the gravel and Yunho was now straddling his waist.

San opened his eyes as Yunho's looked down into his own. Yunho's touch was light and gentle as he traced San's jaw, making him shiver.

"I missed you Sanshine" Yunho whispered between the droplets of rain.

"I missed you too" San said, he could feel his face growing hot with tears "Yun I'm an idiot"

Yunho's brows furrowed in confusion "No you're not. Don't say that"

"But I am. I'm such a fucking idiot you don't even know"

A/n This chapter and the next are a little repetitive. I wanted to tell their meet from both their points of view and since (for me personally) it'd be too jumbled to put them in the same chapter I put them in separate ones! I hope thats ok!!!

Also I hope that this reconnection between San and Yunho satisfies your souls (^.^)

It certainly took them long enough to get here haha

Lorri xx

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