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Just like Yeonjun had said, there on the counter was his outfit; off white pants, a simple loose fitted button up shirt and a light brown jacket for over the top.

It was a perfect choice, and after Jongho had showered he put on the outfit Yeonjun had chosen for him, brushed his hair and then slipped out of the bathroom.

Yeonjun was currently sitting in his desk chair and he put down his phone and looked up after hearing the door click.

Yeonjun's eyes lit up with Jongho's reappearance and it gave Jongho a boost of confidence.

"Very handsome" Yeonjun clapped happily as Jongho spun on his heal in a circle.

"All thanks to you" Jongho complimented with cheeky wink that had Yeonjun rolling his eyes with a giggle.

With that Yeonjun stood up, and just as promised he gave Jongho a kiss.

Their lips melded into one another and swept Jongho's mind completely away to a place where only Yeonjun existed.

The couple were very affectionate, particulary when they were alone. So no matter what there was always time for kisses, even if they were short. . .like this one they were just sharing which ended as Jongho's stomach rumbled.

Yeonjun pulled away, resting his hands on Jongho's waist as he looked down at the source of the rumbling "How about we grab Maccas for breakfast on the way?"

Jongho petted his own tummy and nodded his head as Yeonjun's and his own eyes met "Sounds like a plan"

The couple grabbed their phones, wallets and the car keys, and of course the presents for the twins which Yeonjun had placed in a large purple gift bag, before finally setting off in the direction of their car.

Jongho wanting to give Yeonjun some time to relax took the wheel, and after slipping on his sunnies they were soon heading out of their campus and on their way towards McDonalds. Not before long they pulled into the drive through to order their meal and then it was onwards to the town where San, Yunho and the twins lived and the rest of the family awaited.

San and Yunho had long since moved out of the home they initially shared when San reappeared in Yunho's life, and their current home was in a quiet seaside town about 40 minutes from the city.

Throughout the drive Yeonjun fed Jongho so he could keep both hands on the wheel and the two listened to classic 80s rock bands like Men at Work and Midnight Oil and chatted about random nonsense such as lecturers they shared, that time they found a baby bird on the sidewalk, a cloud that Yeonjun said looked like a duck but Jongho was sure looked like a rabbit.

Yeonjun also questioned Jongho where he wanted to be after university which finished at the end of their current year and with no doubts Jongho told him "Anywhere as long as I'm by your side".

As time passed the scenery changed, and as the ocean came into view Yeonjun hummed and rolled down the window. "Dammm it's smells so fresh" he said.

"It's beautiful" Jongho hummed. The ocean wasn't the only thing in his sight right now that he found beautiful.

They were only a couple of turns away, and Jongho couldn't help but chuckle as he looked over at his boyfriend. Yeonjun had now put his head out the window, the crisp ocean air sweeping his hair like the current of the waves beyond.

"How did I get so lucky?" Jongho thought to himself.

Yeonjun put his head back inside the car and fixed his hair in the passenger seat mirror and Jongho refocused his eyes solely to the road ahead, a shy yet happy smile spreading from the corner of his lips.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now