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Once the pair had a drink in one hand and plate of food in the other they circled over to the settee, joining the rest of the family.

His grandparents upon spotting the two stood, pulling Jongho into a warm group hug that made him smile in contentedness, and his granduncle Yeosang who waited behind the two gave him a hug as well, it was short but Jongho appreciated it.

As Jongho was greeting Wooyoung, San, his dads, Dahyun and Taeyang again, who now all sat at the settee, out the corner of his eye once again he witnessed strange exchanges between members of his family and Yeonjun.

Mina squished his boyfriends cheeks in her hands with a squeeing sound, Mingi thumped Yeonjun on the back with a wide smile and Yeosang gave a contented nod, which although simple seemed to hold a volume of mysteries.

Yunho suddenly appeared and Jongho put his thoughts in the back seat, again, as the older pulled up a chair and sat down.

This was just his family, maybe he'd never really paid attention to them greeting his boyfriend before? Maybe seeing Wooyoung's exchange earlier triggered something and hence why he was focusing in on it now. . .yeah. . .maybe?

Jongho and Yeonjun found themselves sitting snuggly side by side, eating away at the food on their plates and talking about how they'd been to the group, about university, what classes they were taking, things they'd seen or done and any funny little anecdotes that came to mind that were worth sharing to the whole family.

Although they were sitting right in the heart of their family circle they soon found themselves back in their own bubble as conversations between everyone diverted into smaller groups.

"Sorry about everyone squishing you and stuff, I don't know what is with them today" Jongho said quietly as he gestured at his family.

"It's ok, they're your family, and your mine so therefore both of ours, and love, I know all too well how much craziness there's is between you all, I bring my own crazy too, so it's all good"

Yeonjun slipped his hand behind Jongho's back pulling him closer and gently stroking his hip with his thumb tenderly as they settled comfortably into one another, enjoying the excitement around them.

Seoyun and Jihoon had came over and Jongho smiled as he watched Yunho and San get a hold of the twins toys that they were holding and make the two plushies "kiss" their sons cheeks.

Yunho was such a great father, as was San. Seeing their little family so happy and prosperous gave Jongho high hopes for his own future. He wanted children, he didn't know how many he just knew he wanted them, and of course he wanted to raise them with Yeonjun.

Jongho snuggled closer to Yeonjun, not in the least bit fussed that he was being affectionate in front of his family. His family were actually in this moment all being somewhat affectionate to their significant other.

Yunho and San of course were interacting with the twins and looking at one another fondly, Mingi or Pop as Jongho called him had laced his hands through Nana Mina's. With one hand Yeosang held Wooyoung's chin and with the other he was dabbing his face, the older had something on it and Yeosang was making it his mission to clean it. His dads were sitting close together, his dad Seonghwa whispering something in his father Hongjoong's ear to make him chuckle, and Taeyang had his head resting on his daughter Nari's head who was sitting in his lap while he was looking with love in his eyes at Dahyun who was bouncing Nami on her knee.

"This is family" Jongho had thought, and he wouldn't trade the people in his life for anything.

Soon Yunho, San and the twins departed from the little group to engage with their guests, Nana Mina and Dahyun went inside to help prepare cake for the twins, Pop found himself on the receiving end of Hongjoong's next information unload, Yeosang, Seonghwa and Wooyoung chatted about work and a cruise Wooyoung and Yeosang wanted to take, and Taeyang took an excited Nari and Nami to the bounce castle.

The day continued ahead and not before long all the guests had relocated to the backyard, had sung the twins a very happy birthday and now everyone had cake in their hands as the children played and the adults chatted the afternoon away.

The day was pleasant and Jongho and Yeonjun found themselves talking to everyone, even some parents they'd never met who were curious about Nami who at one point the pair had stolen away to play peekaboo.

Yeonjun and Jongho even made their way into the bounce castle at one point, playing with Seoyun and Jihoon and all of their friends; singing to the children and telling them stories. They also shared a very brief yet sweet kiss after they'd told a story of two princes who had fallen in love and the children demanded they were the princes and hence must kiss.

Yeonjun continued to stay by Jongho's side for most of the day, only departing briefly when he went to the bathroom and when his dad Seonghwa wanted to have a chat.

Jongho had been concerned as to what his dad wanted to chat about and offered to come with, but Yeonjun waved him off saying he was fine and he'd disappeared for a good half hour or so with his dad.

The party ran until 4.00 and over the next passing hour the guests started to thin out as friends of Yunho, San and their twins left.

Nana Mina, Pop, Wooyoung and Yeosang also left, as well as Dahyun and her family since they wanted to get home so Nami could rest.

By 5.00 it was only Jongho, Yeonjun, Yunho, San, Jihoon, Seoyun, Seonghwa and Hongjoong left. Seonghwa had insisted he wanted to help clean up the yard, and Hongjoong hadn't even protested in letting his husband stay to do so.

Currently everyone but Yunho, the twins and Seonghwa were sitting down and eating leftovers, just talking about this and that, nothing exciting.

Until. . .

Hongjoong stood up, so fast its a wonder his little bones didn't snap, "I want to go down to the beach who would like to come?!" He said as he clapped his hands together.

"Dad it's almost 5.30, it'll be dark soon, don't you want to go home?" Jongho said with a raised eyebrow as he took a bite of a cold sausage roll, then redeciding his choices he tossed it to an awaiting Shibs instead.

"Well its not dark yet and your dad is wearing me out with all his cleaning, I need to do something calming before the long drive home" Hongjoong pouted as he looked over at Seonghwa. "I'll be the one driving".

Yunho suddenly came through the back patio door, he'd just been putting the twins down to sleep. "It won't get dark until 6, if you go now you'll make the sunset!" he smiled.

Jongho looked over at Yeonjun, while he loved a good sunset surely Yeonjun would want to get home too. . .or maybe not?

"You wanna go walk down on the beach too don't you. I can see it written all over your face" Jongho said with an knowing tilt of his head.

Yeonjun bobbed his head like a puppy.

"Well I guess we're going to the beach then" Jongho stated out loud, while the idea of a beach walk sounded great he simply hadn't expected it. "Are you both coming too?" Jongho questioned San and Yunho.

They shook their heads, "Nah you guys go, we get to see the sunset all the time, plus I just put the twins down so we'll stay here" Yunho said, San nodding in agreement.

"Seongie honey would you like to join Jongho, Yeonjun and I for a walk down to the beach?"

Seonghwa perked up from where he'd been tying a bag of rubbish.

"The beach? Yes please!" Seonghwa clapped as he dropped the trash bag he'd just tied and sidled up to Hongjoong.

"Well I guess we're taking a walk down to the beach" Jongho said as he stood with Yeonjun and followed his dads out of the house.

"I guess we are" Yeonjun replied.

A/n tehehehe

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